This small industrial looking complex is a fantastic map for a Tourney game. Small and fun, with plenty of ambush/pilling opportunities and tight in places, this will have you running about for quite a while. The architecture is nice, with pools of acrid substances just waiting to eat your skin! Loads of Yellow stripes that some may find a little over bearing, but its structurally a main theme so compliments the environment, another map that succeeds in making you believe this was a purpose built facility that is now used for DM!
Item placement is well thought out, one example: an exceptionally long corridor that is prime RG territory, counter balanced by the PG halfway down and two health bubbles either end makes for a balanced game. The only gripe I would have is the Spawn nearest PG followed nearby with x2 plasma cells, I would have only had the one Plasma Cell, but other than that spot on! Bot play is ok, even making for the MH & RA from time to time.
A 3 man FFA was ok, but a Tourney game worked best with this map. To push this map a little further the CPMA mod is a must, but again equally as enjoyable in VQ3! You could compliment this with a cool set of Space Marine-ish skins on a LAN!
Reviewed by EBUK.
Ranked: 3.7 out of 5 (8 votes)
Download: Lurkin' Grounds by McBugzz