Kiss Of Death
Kiss Of Death by Jax_Gator

Two of the largest and deepest atria I've ever seen make up the bulk of the player-space in this map.

Comfortably broad corridors provide routes between atria at various altitudes, with teleporters, jump-pads and stairs allowing vertical transitions. The whole layout, and major item placement lies on a single axis of symmetry.

The confining placement of the RL under a stair alcove is alleviated by a teleport 'plate' at the back; the destination is one corner of the main hallway. It looks like the author intended to use an alternating destination, but I never experienced that. Inevitably, some camping and tailgating occurs, but not so much that can't be compensated for with fragging in other locations.

Textures are an unusual choice of gray circuitry and dark floor tiling, with smooth chrome and blue embedded circuits for detail. The high point of the design is a large, sensual female visage in the tradition of Giger - truly impressive. The pentagram feature on one atrium floor could have been more interesting.

Overall the aesthetic is subtle and clean, with bright, well distributed lighting finishing the whole thing off.

Bots play the map well, although combat almost always occurs in the center basement hallway.

Stylish, with solid game play, but not for everyone.

Reviewed by Kell

Ranked: 3.5 out of 5 (35 votes)

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