The Malevolent Cathedral
Game : Quake 3 (DM)
Title : The Malevolent Cathedral
Filename : malcath.bsp
: **invalid URL**
Author : Dan Haigh [Inflict]
E-mail : **email removed**

Description : A fairly large CTF map. 3 - 4 players on each team advised.



1) Extract "Inflict's Malcath.pk3" into your x:\quake3\baseq3\ directory (where x: is the driver letter)
2) Start a Quake 3 CTF game on any ctf map, then go to the console.
3) Type "map malcath" there.
4) Sort the teams out and fight!

* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3 (DM)
Single Player : nope.
Deathmatch : You could if you wanted...
CTF : Yes indeed... go capture that flag.

* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Q3R
Build Time : 3 - 4 weeks while doing other maps.
Known Bugs : none

Compile machine : PIII 600 265 RAM
Other Stuff: : Much Coka Cola was drunk in the making of this map (as usual)
: hmmm kebab.

* Copyright / Permissions *

This level may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not
be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the level.

This level may not be distributed on any commercial CD-ROM without prior, explicit consent
from Dan Haigh.

p.s. I stole Mancer's (Cole Savages) .txt as a template... hehehe... shhhh.
