Title : L-Complex
Filename : jarena02.zip
Version : 1.0
Date : 01/26/2000
Author : miljam **email removed**
Credits : Id Software, Threewave CTF

Modification Specs
Type: Level
Game Types: CTF, DM (4 - 16)
Players: 4-16
Bots: Yes
New textures: No
New sounds: No
New models: No
Build time: 60 hours
Files included: jarena02.bsp; jarena02.aas; jarena02.tga; jarena02.shader; jarena02.arena

Description of the Map

This is my first map release. It's basically designed as a CTF map, but can be played as a DM.


1. Extract the jarena02.pk3 file into your baseq3 directory. (you can rename it whatever you want, just don't change the extension "pk3")
2. Start up quake3 and go into console and type "sv_pure 0" *Very important!* (the alternate for this is to make sure it is in your autoexec.cfg file.)
3. Then type "g_gametype 4", this will tell the game that you want to play a CTF game.
4. Then type "map jarena02" and have fun!

**Alternatively, this map will show up in your single player map selection if you want to play against bots.**


Small vis 'Cracks' when the player is in the fog....If someone knows how to avoid these, let me know. I've seen this in the id maps.


N / A


1. You MAY use this map any way you please.
2. You MAY distribute this map but you MUST leave this file intact with it.
3. You MAY have fun playing this map:)
