Source of Agony
Title : Source of Agony
BSP Name : alc3dm1.bsp
Author : Nathan "Alcatraz" Canestaro
Release Date : 5 July 2001
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3 arena DM
File size : 4.089 Mb

Description : This is my first Q3DM map, and is a monument to inefficiency. Sky-high
r_speeds, bad lighting, sloppy brushwork-- all sorts of mistakes which
I won't repeat in alc3dm2. The learning process took months and was
a constant source of frustration and agony-- hence the name. A chronicle
of everything that happened can be found at:
**invalid URL** (pan down, they are in
reverse chronological order)

Besides the newbie problems, this didn't turn out nearly as bad as I had
feared. In fact, if you can handle the frame rate, it does play fairly
well. The environment is a hodge-podge of metal/industrial textures
intended to look rusted and semi-abandoned. Lunaran described it as
looking like it was "assembled by Jawas," which more or less sums up what
I was going for.

Additional Thanks to : SPoG, for prophetic wisdom of the ages
Wiebo de Wit for his emergency assistance
Lunaran for his cool CF Shader, and continuing help and advice
Nunuk, Bal, Maj, and Friction, for their technical guidance
Sock for the stratosphere skybox
Bal, Vondur, Kona, Friction, Rorshach, Lunaran, Killer, and Than for other
textures and Shaders
Friction for sounds
Everybody in #tf who was kind enough to answer my endless questions, and
others I might have forgotten

Beta testing : These guys earned their pay. Auhsan, Nanospawn, and the other "Spanish
Weirds" for final playtesting, Bal, Lunaran, Nunuk, Friction, Grindspire,
Killer, for eagle-eyed bug spotting, and of course The Big House playtesting
team of Manex, Wedge, Tarrant, Drakken-Korrin, and the Apostle. Go Big C!

Other stuff : I seriously doubt this will ever see server use, but feedback and
reviews are always welcome.

* Technical Information *

New Textures : 2 slightly modified textures
New sounds : two

* Construction *

Base : from scratch
Brushes : 2515
Construction Time : Around 6 months
Build programs : GTK
Build Time : 4 Minutes, 51 seconds
Compile machine : P3 800mhz, 256mg RAM
Editor used : GTK

* Copyright / Permissions *

All original files in this pk3 are Copyright Nathan A. Canestaro, esq, 2001.
All other textures, shaders and sound files remain property of their respective
owners. All root materials bundled in this pak (raw textures, shaders, sound files)
may not be used in the creation of other levels without due credit given to their owners.

You may not use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author! Private individuals may however
distribute this file via the internet for their personal use, and for
the use of others. Packaging, repackaging, or distribution through other
commercial means (even if not for profit, such as on a magazine CD) by any
organization, corporate or partnership entity, is strictly forbidden without
the express written permission of the author.

This file, although created with reasonable care, is provided AS-IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.
The author makes no warranties as to this file, and disclaims all express, implied, and
statutory warranties of any kind, including (but not limited to) any warranties
of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose.

The rights and obligations of any party who uses this file shall be governed by the laws
of the Commonwealth of Virginia, excluding its conflicts of law rules and United States law and
international treaties governing copyrights. Any use of this file, or its contents, indicates
consent to jurisdiction in the United States Federal District Court for the Eastern District
of Virginia, or the Fairfax County Circuit or General District Courts. These courts will have
exclusive jurisdiction over any legal action or proceeding arising out of or relating to
use or misuse of this file, and each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of such courts
for the purpose of any such action or proceeding. Each party hereby waives all rights it has or
which may hereafter arise to contest such exclusive jurisdiction.
