The Gardens of Eternity

the Gardens of Eternity Read Me file___________________________________________________________

E-mail: **email removed**
author: Kemal"Darth_Blade"Çiftçioglu
map name : the Gardens of Eternity
map name(bsp): eternity
Game Type: ffa tourney team
bots: no,because the map is too curved&big to make a bot file
Players: 2 - 10 players
new textures: yes
new music: Yes.--if you download the eternitymusic.pk3 from our web site.---
programs used: GTKRadiant,Ability PhotoPaint,CdEx,AcdSee,PaintShop Pro.

web site:=Temple of Arena=

**invalid URL**

**invalid URL**

This is a 2-10 player DM map that combines tech and temple style
into one.There are lots of different architectural features like
spotlights on the temple pillars,lifts or a portal that you can only see in a science fiction film.
This is my second map"the Gardens of Eternity".I hope you'll like it.

And please don't forget to download the map's music file!!!It really suits the map.

I'm really appreciated if you write your comments to me.

You can open the map by selecting it from the Single Player:Skirmish screen or Multiplayer:Create

ATTENTION:You have to install Quake 3 Point Release 1.27g patch to see the textures properly.This is
a general requirement,not only my map.So,download the Q3Point release and install it before playing
the maps that you downloaded from the net. You can download it from

_____ Copyrights&Permissions__________________________________________________________________________

You are allowed to distribute this map and it's music file to your own editing site,any mechanical
means with prior permission from me.You can not use this map as a base to build additional levels!!!
You can contact me via my e-mail address.

thanx to: Bahad?r"Foreign_Militia"Karasulu,and Aysegül"Destiny_Angel"Göktas for their feedback all
the time.

This map was first released on the Temple of Arena site.

Other maps by me:
the Pharaoh’s Resurrection:It’s an Ancient Egyptian temple that was exclusively built according to the
original ancient Egypt architecture.Now download it from our site: {the Temple of Arena}

Other maps that are coming from me:
2)The Gladiator Warfare:This will be built for a Quake III Tournament in Italy for
**invalid URL** will contain a small street of the city of Rome.There will be temples, markets,
house, a beach and you will see the famous Colloseum from the far.
3)Pharaoh's Resurrection-Special Edition:I'll add more rooms to the map and the textures will be
more egyptian and there will be also huge pharaoh statues.I can say that it will be like a new map.
Also it will contain a more egyptian music!
4)Map Trilogy: This will be trilogy and I guarantee that it will be the maps of the year! Please
wait and see. Some informations will be posted at our site soon... {it will be the map trilogy of
the very famous book series of J........ }

the Gardens of Eternity-DM made by

map designer of the Temple of Arena

**email removed**
