Title : Fighting Arena 1
Filename : map-Da_Pak.pk3
Author : Atle Holm
Email Address : **email removed**
Description : Quake 3 Arena Deathmatch Level
Additional Credits to : - ID Software for making the game
Other Maps By Author : You can find them all at **invalid URL**
(Best viewed in a 800x600 resolution)

* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3 Arena
SinglePlay : Skirmish that is.
Cooperative : No
Multiplayer : yes sir!
Size : Medium
Deathmatch 2-12 : Sure
Difficulty Settings : Comes with the game
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Sorry dude, none
Sound Track : None
Demos Replaced : None

* Construction *

Build Time : Unknown. This is a map i made NOT in one sitting. Sometimes I took a break up to many months before i continued.
Compile Time : About 45 minutes or so.
Known Bugs : No bugs! =)
Total Brushes : 1798
Total Entities : 401
Net Brush Count : 1397
(non entity)
Base : New Map From SCRATCH.
Compile Machine : AMD-K7 Alpha 700 with 256 MB SD-RAM, pc 100

* Info *

Well, yea.. theres not much to say about this level. I made it, compiled it, and here it is!
Enjoy! =)
Remember the contrast on your screen if theres lots og sunlight around when you play this map.
Contrast is there for a reason you know .. :)

You are welcome to mail me at **email removed**

* Usage *

Extract map-Da_Pak1.pk3 to you'r quake3\baseq3 folder.
Then type: /map fighta1 in console(in q3, after starting the game), or choose skirmish from the SP menu and then select the Fighting Arena 2 map to play it(I prefer the last option).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT(*M* *A* *Y* *N* *O* *T*) use this level as a base to build
additional levels.

You can do what ever you like with this level, EXCEPT
use it to build additional levels.

Have Fun!!!


Title : Fighting Arena 2
Filename : map-Da_Pak.pk3
Author : Atle Holm
Email Address : **email removed**
Description : Quake 3 Arena Deathmatch Level
Additional Credits to : - ID Software for making the game
Other Maps By Author : You can find them all at **invalid URL**
(Best viewed in a 800x600 resolution)

* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3 Arena
SinglePlay : Skirmish I guess
Cooperative : No
Multiplayer : Well, uhh.. no.. kidding!
Size : Large!
Deathmatch 2-16 : Yes, unless you disagree(you better not dare!!)
Difficulty Settings : Comes with the game
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Sorry dude, none
Sound Track : None
Demos Replaced : None

* Construction *

Build Time : Unknown. This is a map i made NOT in one sitting. Sometimes I took a break up to many months before i continued.
Compile Time : 65.6 hours(I used the computer a lot while it was compling, it might have slowed down the compilation process)
Known Bugs : None but the spooky devil that some times, to my big irritation, pops up in the sky.
Total Brushes : 958
Total Entities : 174
Net Brush Count : 784
(non entity)
Base : New Map From SCRATCH.
Compile Machine : AMD-K7 Alpha 700 with 256 MB SD-RAM, pc 100

* Info *

Well uhh.. this all started with Sharkyman urging me to make a
BIG arena level in half-life a couple of years ago. Offcourse it all turned out
to be totally fucked up when we tried to play the map. Lots of gray areas and such
(yes, we did Vis it and light it at full). So I saved the map for later. When Q3Arena
was released, I made the map Innate. I got some huge critisism for it and fixed the lightings.
After doing this i renamed the map to InnateV2, which is included in this PK3 file.
Then i started making two maps at the same ime, this one and Fighting Arena 1.
I took my old arena map from half-life, cast some evil spells and cursed some devilish
curses and turned it into a q3 level. I fixed it up, and here you go! wola!

You are welcome to mail me at **email removed**

* Usage *

Extract map-Da_Pak1.pk3 to you'r quake3\baseq3 folder.
Then type: /map fighta2 in console(in q3, after starting the game), or choose skirmish from the SP menu and then select the Fighting Arena 2 map to play it(I prefer the last option).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT(*M* *A* *Y* *N* *O* *T*) use this level as a base to build
additional levels.

You can do what ever you like with this level, EXCEPT
use it to build additional levels.

Have Fun!!!


Title : Extra Level
Filename : map-Da_Pak.pk3
Author : Atle Holm
Email Address : **email removed**
Description : Quake 3 Arena Deathmatch Level
Additional Credits to : - ID Software for making the game
Other Maps By Author : You can find them all at **invalid URL**
(Best viewed in a 800x600 resolution)

* Play Information *

Game : Quake 3 Arena
SinglePlay : No
Cooperative : No
Multiplayer : yes
Size : Small!
Deathmatch 2-4 : Yes(6 players or more = a funny little massacre).
Difficulty Settings : Comes with the game
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Sorry dude, none
Sound Track : None
Demos Replaced : None

* Construction *

Build Time : couple of hours
Compile Time : couple of minutes
Known Bugs : None
Total Brushes : 202
Total Entities : 54
Net Brush Count : 148
(non entity)
Base : New Map From SCRATCH.
Compile Machine : AMD-K7 Alpha 700 with 256 MB SD-RAM, pc 100

* Info *

Have fun with this simple level ripped from Fighting Arena 1.
The fun part is the meaningless massacre that occurs when many players
play this map.

You are welcome to mail me at **email removed**

* Usage *

Extract map-Da_Pak1.pk3 to you'r quake3\baseq3 folder.
Then type: /map fighta in console(in q3, after starting the game), or choose skirmish from the SP menu and then select the Extra Level map to play it(I prefer the last option).

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT(*M* *A* *Y* *N* *O* *T*) use this level as a base to build
additional levels.

You can do what ever you like with this level, EXCEPT
use it to build additional levels.

Have Fun!!!

