Title : GrayLiotta for Quake III Arena
Filename : map_q3jvx1.pk3
Maps : q3jvx1.bsp
Author : Richard Celeste (Slowtreme)
Email Address : **email removed**
home page : **invalid URL**

Description : Quake III Arena - tournament map

1 ) make sure to have Q3 point release Jan1300 or later installed
2 ) place map_q3jvx1.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory
3 ) Start Quake3
4 ) Maps should be accessable from the Skirmish and Multiplayer menus

* Play Information *

type of game:
q3jvx1 - Tourney, 2 x 2 Team DM, & ffa

Bot Support : aas file in pk3

Level Name(s) : q3jvx1 GrayLiotta
Single Player : bots
Cooperative 2-4 Player : none
Deathmatch Player : yes
Ctf : no
Difficulty Settings : bots again

Computer: : K6-2/350mhz w/256 meg /NT5.0 (Win2kpro)
compile time: : bspfull 10sec, vis 22sec, light -extra 927sec
: total run time 16 min 2 sec

* Construction *

Base : Complete map conversion from scratch, based on a Q1 1 on 1 map by JVOX. Including custom textures and shaders
Editor used : Q3radiant

Known Bugs : pulse shader does not have fluid motion across brushes
: TNT based video cards will have a HOM effect in the Quad chamber, because they driver can not draw the sky in the mirror reflection

Build time : eeewww
ID Software for Quake, Quake II, and Quake3Arena
id software rules !

Joel "JVOX" Tallent of course, for creating a wonderful layout for a one on one map. Grayliotta is a fast paced brutal, 1 on 1 DM experiance.
Beta testers: Sean"RoGuE" - Jeremy"Dekard" - Thayne"Yomaster" - Joel"Jvox"

Excerpts from original Jvx1.txt
Welcome to JVX BSP Inc.

We are the future in deathmatch arenas. JVX arenas feature the newest available state-of-the-art weaponry, ammunition, teleportation and client regeneration systems.

Your games will be monitored and regulated by the patented JVX Monolith, located at the south end of "GrayLiotta." Please remember that damaging the monolith or consoles may result in downtime for everyone, so please mind your projectiles. Willful destruction of JVX property will be dealt with appropriately. Although we are recommending reservations on "GrayLiotta" for parties of four or fewer, additional guests may be added at the standard rate -- though JVX BSP Inc. cannot be held responsible for the results. We encourage large parties to request deathmatch mode 3 for such engagements. Sparring partners will be provided on request by Omicron Inc. for an additional charge. For further details and price breakdowns, please refer to the brochure you were provided with during your visit to our main offices in Brooklyn, NY.

Enjoy your visit, and thank you for choosing "GrayLiotta" as your deathmatch arena.

Joel R Tallent

Please direct complaints and comments about your service to: **email removed**
