Ancient Greek Arena
Title : Anciiennt Greek Arena
BSP Name : wmgdm1.bsp
Author : "ResidentSCUM" Will Groben
Release Date : February 2001
Email Address : **email removed**
ICQ number : Find me on MSN Messenger
Author Home Page : **invalid URL**

Description : Team DM Arena, FFA included; FFA 6-12 or Team Play 3 on 3 to 5 on 5
Build : Win98 2nd edition, PIII 933, 512mb RAM, GeForce DDR 64mb, Radiant 202
(Target PC: PII 450 and up, r_speeds are mostly in the range 5-8k, but two areas, corners of course, will reach 10k)

Thanks to : - Anwulf for beta testing, overseeing reconstruction and being patient with my website and me
- Kropcke for beta testing
- Graphatallica and Texture Universe
- Lloyd Morris for marble and grass textures
- Quakecon 2000 model contestant "Gantzler" for fountain
- Nate for the plants
- Anyone else I forgot, just remind me please, my apologies in advance
- ttimo and company for Radiant
- id of course
- claudec for "the reference site"
- the Q3World, level editing members and moderators
- lvl for the beta hosting and feedback
- Paul Jaquays for use of his Artwork

Other Comments : Intermission included for single player mode with bots, suggest 5-7 bots.
Please send any comments to **email removed**. All feedback will be appreciated.

By the same author : Darwin's Theory in alpha, based in the Dark Ages


* Map Information *

Game : Quake III Arena
Team DeathMatch : yes
Deathmatch : yes
New Textures : yes
New Sounds : no
New Models : yes
Traps : one (sort of)
Power Ups : yes Three teams of power ups to avoid too much juice being available at once they are teamed and timed.

* Construction *

Base : Loosely based on the Propylaea, Western entrance to the Acropolis
BSP : 17 seconds
vis : 10827 seconds
light : 9832 seconds
Editor used : Q3Radiant 202
Other programs : editpad lite, Quake III Arena, Paint ShopPro7, MS Picture IT, WINZip, should include Claudec's web page since I was there so much

* Copyright / Permissions *

You may distribute this BSP in any non-profit electronic format
Quake III is an id software product abide by the EULA and there will be no problems.
