House of Shannara
Title: House of Shannara
BSP name: jaxdm3.bsp
Author: David "Jax_Gator" Cherry
Release date: November 28, 2000
Email address: **email removed**
Home page: None
Game: Quake 3 Arena DM
File size: 5,972 KB

Description: A large gothic style arena map.

Thanks to: Old WARRIOR for naming the map
^^Ch@os^^ for allowing playtesting on his server - **invalid URL**
All the BG members for play testing: Taz_FL, Old WARRIOR, BOOTLIP, MogWaEE, Rackat, The Stranger, 20 20, [SPECTRA], QUAD_BAIT, Commander Keen, Lloyd M, ^^Ch@os^^, Fuze, The Peacekeeper, BLOTTO and anyone else I forgot
All the quake3world forum members for beta feedback: Myth, Niptlar, BirdDawg, SumJackass, Mechanic, Anwulf and anyone else I forgot
Robert Duffy for Q3radiant
id for the quake series
Previous work : un-released jaxdm1 (re-make of Q1 House of Chinton)
jaxdm2 - Re-Gib Colesium


* MAP Information *

New textures: None
New sounds: None

* Construction *

Base: From scratch
Const. time: 8 weeks
Compile machine: P3 500mhz, 192mb RAM
Compile time: BSP - 26 seconds, VIS - 1 minute 42 seconds, LIGHT - 3 hours 19 minutes 32 seconds (fullvis -light -extra -patchshadows)
Editor used: q3radiant v2.02
Other programs: Q3 Map Explorer v1.3
Known Bugs: None known. Email me if you find any.


* Copyright / Permissions *

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
Any commercial use without a permission is prohibited.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, etc) but you may NOT by any means use it to gain money.
