Title: A Glasswork Fishbowl
Filename: rcq3dm1.bsp
Author: Eric von Rothkirch
Email Address: **email removed**
WWW Homepage: **invalid URL**
Date: 10/24/00
Description: A small goth-tech deathmatch level for 8 players or less. 8 players is total chaos, 4 is a steady pace. 1 on 1 works well if you like to hunt a little bit.
* Additional Credits *
Paul Jaquays : For the constructive criticism.
Jay "Shade" Wilson : For saying "Put something cool on the ceiling in the central area!"
EA 007 T.W.I.N.E. Level Design Team : For playtesting and constructive criticism.
Warren "Taskmaster" Marshall : For agreeing that rocks do not replace a genuine building facade. :-P
* Play Information *
Game: Quake III
File name: rcq3dm1.bsp
Deathmatch: Yes
Max Players: 8
Anything else new: 2wind1.wav, buzz1.wav
* Loading information *
To load this Q3 map:
Unzip the rcq3dm1.pk3 in the archive to c:\quake3\baseq3\ (Or whatever your Quake 3 directory is) Start Quake 3 normally. When the game starts, hit the tilde (~) key to bring down the console and type: "map rcq3dm1.bsp" or just load it from the multiplayer menu.
* Map Bugs *
Bots may occasionally fall into the death-fog.
* Computer Stats *
OS: Windows 98
Processor: Pentium 2
Processor Speed: 400 MHz
RAM: 128 MB
* Copyright / Trademarks / Permissions *
© 2000, Eric von Rothkirch
The author's written permission is required for commercial use.
You MAY distribute this BSP over or on any electronic media, provided that you include all distributed files intact and unmodified, and you don't charge the recipient anything beyond the actual cost of the media and shipping.
The use of this BSP and all associated files are entirely at your own discretion and risk. I assume no liabilty for any direct or consequential losses you might incur as a consequence of using these files. I don't even guarantee that they'll run on your machine, but I'm willing to help if you have a problem.
-Eric von Rothkirch