Smo's Tower
== QUAKE III Arena ADDON MAP =========================================
Title : Smo's Tower (smo2v2)
Game Type(s) : Free For All
Team Deathmatch
Zipped :
.pk3 : map-smo2v2.pk3
.bsp : smo2v2.bsp
Author : Tim Smulders
Email Address : **email removed**
Misc. Author Info : **invalid URL**
Thanks : Thanks to Paul Jaquays and all those
on the level
editing discussion board.
Tom McClure of VR Magazine for the
great textures (see * Textures *
section below for details).

* How to use this file *

1. Unzip the file map-smo2v2.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3 directory.

2. Start Quake III Arena.

3. Select Single Player.

4. Select Skirmish.

5. Choose either Free For All/Team Deathmatch/Tournament.

6. Cycle to find map smo2v2.

7. Select Next.

8. Choose settings.

9. Fight!

* Author's Notes *


1. No more than 6 and no less than 3 bots in Free For All.

This file is FREE! Never charge for this map.

You may distribute the if unaltered.

Authors MAY NOT use this map as a base to build additional

DO NOT alter this map in any way.

* Play Information *
Map Name : Smo's Tower (smo2v2)

* Construction *

Base : New map from scratch
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant 1.0 Beta build 181
Known Bugs : None

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY NOT use this map as a base to build additional

* Where to get this map *

**invalid URL**

* Textures *

# #
# VR Magazine's Texture Pack #1-#3 #
# **invalid URL**
# Design and Copyright(C)2000, #
# Tom McClure ("Diabolic") #
# mailto: **email removed** #
# #

You may use these textures for any
purpose, provided this text file is
distributed with any/all textures you
use or distribute.

These textures are exclusive to
VRmagazine (**invalid URL**) and as
such may not be presented on a website
for download.

In plain language, don't take
advantage of the hard work that went
into creating these. Inclusion of this
text file credits the author. You are
otherwise free to use and enjoy them
at will. Any questions or inquiries
should be directed to:
**email removed**
