Title : Q3 High <===>~ (MM2000capture ctf/FFA)
WaReHoUsE x2 (MM2000capture ctf/FFA)
Date : 05/01/00
pk3 : q3_mmctfpak0.pk3
Filename : q3_mmctf1.bsp
Author : Dan "RivrStyx" Dorn
Email Address : **email removed**
Web : **invalid URL** or **invalid URL**
Description : 2 fairly large deathmatch level suitable for 4-16
: players.
Additional Credits to : id software.
- Play Information Q3 HIGH-
Players : Preferably 4-10 players.
Bots : Yes.
Weapons : Rocket Launcher(2), Railgun(2), Plasma Gun(2),
: Super Shotgun(4), Lightning Gun(2), Grenadelauncher(2),
: Machiine Gun(2)....BFG(1) DMonly
Armor : Combat Armor(1), Body Armor(1), Shards(15)
Ammo : Cells(5), Rockets(5), Shells(5), Slugs(6)
: Grenades(5), Lightning(5), Bullets(3)....BFG(1) DMonly
Health : Health(9), Large(4), Small(11), Mega(2)
Powerups : Haste, Quad, Regen, holdable transporter, Invisibility
Misc : CTF Spawns(6)each (1)jail spawn each, Jump Pads(13), Teleporters(2), speakers (38)
- Play Information WaReHoUsE x2-
Players : Preferably 4-16 players.
Bots : Yes.
Weapons : Rocket Launcher(3), Railgun(3), Plasma Gun(3),
: Super Shotgun(6), Lightning Gun(4), Grenadelauncher(2),
: Machiine Gun(2)....BFG(1) DMonly
Armor : Combat Armor(2), Body Armor(3), Shards(30)
Ammo : Cells(11), Rockets(10), Shells(16), Slugs(9)
: Grenades(12), Bullets(20)....BFG(1) DMonly
Health : Health(33) 8 are DM Only, Large(7), Small(12), Mega(2)
Powerups : Haste, Quad, Regen, holdable, Invisibility
Misc : CTF Spawns(9)each (1)jail spawn each, Jump Pads(13), speakers (66), cameras (2)
*****Must have MatchMod2000 to play Captive CTF mod.... MM2000 not needed for FFA play*****
****Seperate pk3 file called mus_q3high.pk3 contains original music for FFA or CTF Q3High maps
I put the music in seperate PK3 so you could DL if wanted and to keep PK3 map file size down
for those on dailup or not wanting music.
Put mus_q3high.pk3 in baseq3 directory also
Music for Q3 High : Sound Clip from "Tales of the Spanish Warrior" Copyrighted by RivrStyx.
Performed by: RivrStyx - Guitars, drums, sounds
Chet - Bass
Just throw the pk3 file into your baseq3 directory, and type "/map q3_mmctf1" "/map q3_mmctf2" at
the console or choose from skirmish/ FFA/ Team map menu.
- Construction -
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : None.
***/\/\atchmod 2000 for Q3... Get it NOW!!!!
***Visit the /\/\atchmod site to see the features you can expect ...
New Q3 site soon to open if not already: **invalid URL** or
Q2.. Q3 Site: **invalid URL**
- Copyright / Permissions -
These levels are (c) 2000 Dan Dorn.
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.