AEon's Arena
by AEon
Title : AEon's Arena
Filename : map-AEarena.pk3
Map : AEarena.bsp
Version : 03/17/2000 (r138)

Author : Christoph A. Loewe (AEon)
Email Address : **email removed**
Website : **invalid URL**

Description : Quake III Arena - DM Map in gothic style.
Cathedral Arena, lots of Lava, Bi-Pyramids,
Lava-Fall, Pool, "Secret"-Room, The Tube,
The Columns, The Dungeons...
Map has distinct Quake(I)ish feel to it.

Other Levels by Author : AEcantow, AEcthdrl, AEcube for Half-Life.
AEcyrena, AEshake2 both for Quake II
See **invalid URL** under "Files".

Thanks to : ^AP^, [F\N\S], [M7], Trigger, AciD|BurN,...
and others on IRC #quake2.ger & #gXp for

* Instructions *

1) Extract aearena.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory
2) Start Quake3
3) Maps will be accessable from the menu

* Play Information *

Settings : Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch
Bot Support : Bots are fully supported
Level Name : AEarena
Single Player : Bots
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Bots
Deathmatch Player : yes (8 respawn points)
Difficulty Settings : Bots again

Map build system : p2 350MHz w/256 meg /Win98 & g400 16MB
Number cruncher : Dual p2-450MHz w/256 meg /NT4.0
Compile Time : 1:50 hours (full vis),
5:28 hours (light -extra)

* Construction *

Base : Completely from scratch
Editor used : Q3Radiant v1.81
Known Bugs : None of importance 8-)
Build time : Weeks sorta :)... February 4th - March 14th

New Textures : yes... 7 new textures based on gothic_block/blocks9.
Quake (I) inspired Art was provided by [M7] <**email removed**>
Levelshot touched up by Trigger <**email removed**>
"BFG-Free Zone" sign by TF|Pot <**email removed**>
Thanx folks :))
New Sounds : nope... (nearly had a Quake (I) monster roar in there :)

* Credits *

Thanx to id Software, for Doom, Quake, Quake II, and Quake3Arena.
The gothic_block/blocks9 texture is part of Quake III Arena and Copyright
by id Software.

* Legal Stuff *

This level is (c) 2000 Christoph A. Loewe (AEon).
You are not to include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial
product without first obtaining permission from the author. You may not mass
distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited
to compact disks, and floppy disks.

* Where to get this map *, **invalid URL**, and mirror sites.
