Portal Mayhem
"Portal Mayhem" - For Quake III Arena (Deathmatch)
by Dan "Splat" Pelchat
Visit my site at **invalid URL**
Filenames: splatdm2.pk3
File size: 2.2MB
Author: Dan "Splat" Pelchat
Address: **email removed**

Description: Map created for the 2009 NoGhost Mapping Competition. This is my fifth map.
Inspiration comes from a lil dm7 and dm1 with a dash of dm9 incorporating a multi destination
teleporter and a fucntional rotating brush assembly.
Additional Credits:

Maverick at NoGhost for hosting and inspiring the mapping for the competition and helping to
keep this 10yr old game alive.

ATI, AMD, NoGhost, Maverick Servers, and Sapphire for the prizes and logos.

Map Instructions:

Unzip splatdm2.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/directory.
Launch game and go into the skirmish option and scan for levelshot or type /map splatdm2
in console.

In game Support - YES
SP BOT support - YES
Deathmatch - YES
New Textures - YES - sponsor logos and some textures from gtkradiant 1.50 mapmedia pak
Weapons - Everything except BFG
Items - Quad and Megahealth

Base: New level from scratch.
Editor Used: gtkradiant 1.50/ArenaMaster/PakScape
Known Bugs: None identified yet.

