The Dark Zone
Title : The Dark Zone

Author : Rich "swelt" Jacques
: Based on the original by
: Tim Willits (id)
Email Address : **email removed**
Website :

Description : Quake III Arena level based on DM2

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- Level Information -
Game type : 1v1, tdm, ffa
Single Player : Yes
Player load : 2 - 8
Weapons : 2xSG GL RL LG PG
Stuff : 1xRA, 1xGA 1xMH, Invis

- Construction -
Editors used : GTKRadiant
Utilities used : Q3Map2, Editpad

- Notes -

This is a remake from scratch of DM6. All credit remains with iD software.
Remade with an egyptian style that I think really suits the architecture.
I've aimed to make the gameplay feel like the original, but of course
it is not possible to get it identical. If you want to play something that
is identical to the original - play the original. If you want something
that is familiar and captures some of the original's classic gameplay,
play on :) In my opinion, works best in CPMA as a 2v2 TDM map or FFA.

- Credits -
: id Software for Quake, Quake 3 and the original DM2
: Sock for his egyptian set
**invalid URL**
: Everyone who has played this level, cheers!

- Links -

CPMA Homepage

- Copyright / Permissions -
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of
commercial product without permission from the author. You may
not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means,
including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author.
