Title : House of Dissent CTF
Date : 06/02/2020
Filename : map-ermap4ctf.pk3
Author : Eraser
Email Address : **email removed** (yes, that says **email removed**)
Description : Large CTF map
Mods required : None
- Play Information -
Gametype(s) : CTF
Players : 10
Bots : Yes
Weapons : SG, GL, RL, LG, RG, PG, BFG
Powerups : YA, RA, MH, Quad Damage, Medkit
- Developer commentary -
To create this map I basically took the existing ermap4 layout, duplicated
it, mirrored it and glued them together. One part of the map is connected
through a new central area.
There is a small alcove at the center of the map, behind two doors. The BFG
and Medkit spawn in here (both have their respawn time set to 60 seconds).
By shooting the targets above the doors, a barrage of rockets is fired into
the alcove, killing anyone that stands close.
- Construction -
Base : Based on ermap4
Editor(s) used : GtkRadiant 1.6.6
Additional Tools : Quake ToolKit, Paint.NET, UltraEdit-32/Notepad++
Textures used : Base Texture set
- Contact -
Eraser - **email removed**
Engines of Creation - www.theenginesofcreation.com
This map is (c)2020 by the author and may be freely distributed. It may not be
sold for any financial gain or otherwise.