..::LvL Q3A - 20 Years
..::LvL Q3A - 20 Years

Quake 3 Arena and ..::LvL Q3A has been running now for 20 years.
This pack covers 22 maps released over that time.

After playing a short list of about 150 maps from the more than
2,300 that are currently listed on ..::LvL, one of the hardest
things I have done over the last 20 years is picking which
releases to include in this pack.

While this limited release of 22 maps will not suit everyone,
during play testing, these maps stood out to me.

----Included maps----------------------------------------------

- ChiropteraDM by Alcatraz, nunuk and Sock
- OverWhelming Hostility by Auhsan
- Estatica by Cardigan
- Rainy Day by cityy
- McSarge's by cityy
- Shibam by DaEngineer
- Up Close and Personal by DruZli
- Meatball Grinder (v1.1) by Fingers
- Undergod by fKd
- Endurance by flipout
- Iron Yard by Friction
- Rustgrad by Hipshot
- The Forlorn Hope by JustOneFiX
- Ludonarrative Dissonance by Lunaran
- You'll Shoot Your Eye Out by Lunaran and KungFuSquirrel
- Story to tell by NecrosiS
- Trespass by Pat Howard
- Swiss Cheese Trickster by Q-Fraggel
- Focal Point by Sock
- Dismemberment by the Hubster
- Aerowalk [Hubster's Remix II] by The Preacher - conversion
by the Hubster
- Tortured by thefury

----what to do-------------------------------------------------

Extract the contents of lvl-20-years.zip to your baseq3

Start Quake 3 and load the map of choice from the skirmish

You could also play through all the maps as a single player

In your baseq3 directory should also be a "lvl-20-years-sp.zip"
file. This is a simple Q3A mod that will allow you to play all
the maps as a single play tier. Exact the lvl-20-years-sp.zip
(with directories enabled) to your main Quake 3 location.

This will create a "lvl-20-years" directory with the following

- description.txt
- lvl-20-years.pk3
- lvl-20-years.txt (a copy of this readme)
- lvl-20-years-start.bat
- lvl-20-years-ioquake3.x86.bat
- lvl-20-years-ioquake3.x86.sh

While you can now use the Quake 3 menu system to select the
"..::LvL Q3A - 20 Years" mod and start the single player
mission, your status and tier progress is NOT recorded this way.

----keeping track----------------------------------------------

If you want to "record" your status and progress through the
tiers, you need to start the game with the command line option:

"+set fs_game lvl-20-years"

For Windows users, you can use the included batch files, either




For Mac and Linux users, there is an included shell script that
may work for you.


If it does not work, open and edit to suit your environment.

----who did this?----------------------------------------------

This Map Pack was put together by Tigger-oN to encourage people
to play these maps. This is only a small sample of the
excellent Q3A mapping skill of people.

All included authors were contacted, but not everyone
responded. If your map is listed but you would rather it was
not included, please get in touch.

For more info and a lot more maps check out;
..::LvL Q3A - lvlworld.com/

August, 2015


Title: Trespass
Filename: trespass.pk3
Gametype: Duel, FFA
Theme: Abandoned factory
Capacity: 2-5 players
Bot Support: Yes
Author: Pat Howard
Email: **email removed**



Trespass is set in an old ammonia Factory in Germany that was abandoned after WW2. The place deteriorated in peace for many years until one day when Sarge and Keel rediscovered it on a weekend urban exploration trip. They transformed it into an illegal dueling arena which is now notorious for attracting the shadiest, most degenerate Quake duelers and aggressive play. Be advised: trespassers will be shot on sight!


I got a flash of inspiration to make this layout after watching Quantic Dream's short film "Kara". The map was actually codenamed "Kara" during the alpha testing phase. Gameplay-wise, I was thinking about Lost World, Toxicity, and Blood Run, in that order for inspiration. My goals were to improve on making interesting connections between 3-4 rooms and to create trick jumps by making lots of small changes in elevation. I also tried to incorporate more cover than in my previous maps. This map is primarily designed for duel mode, but FFA has an alternative item layout and works well with three or four players.


I was inspired to do an abandoned factory theme after seeing Helder Pinto's amazing "Post Apocalyptic" UDK scene. I realized the the theme could work really well for a Q3A level because the detail wouldn't interfere with player movement. I spent a lot of time on **invalid URL** checking out abandoned factories in Germany from the WW2 era. I fell in love with an album of an old ammonia factory (**invalid URL**) and that served as the main concept art for the map. The central pillar by the RA is modeled after an old high-pressure ammonia reactor.

I'd like to give special thanks to the awesome artists who contributed assets to this map. Without them, this map would never have been made. First and foremost I have to mention Hipshot (www.zfight.com) who created all the trees and FX for this map, as well as the sky. I am also borrowing most of the textures from his map Rustgrad. Sock (www.simonoc.com) created all the plants and the seams/shapes that I applied to many of the metal textures. Some of the metal textures are by Phantazm11 (**invalid URL**) from his map Solarium. I've also used decals by Tabun (www.tabun.nl). I made the rest of the textures using photo sources (www.cgtextures.com). Note that I have heavily edited a lot of the assets I borrowed from other artists.



Hipshot (Rustgrad, Crescent, Industrial, Miramar Sky) - www.zfight.com
Sock (Plant texture/model set, industrial texture set) - www.simonoc.com
Phantazm11 (Solarium) - **invalid URL**
Tabun (decals) - www.tabun.nl
Pat Howard (the rest) via CGTextures - www.cgtextures.com


Birds -






Frogs - madbob69

Jungle loops - Sock

Crickets - dobroide

Bees - digifishmusic


NSW for testing 8 million versions of this map with me
for support and encouragement - you guys rock!


id Software



This map may only be redistributed with prior consent or submission
of the author, Pat Howard.

You may not alter the current state of this .pk3 file for public use
without my permission.

If this map is used as a base or starting point for another, please
credit me in your readme.

All assets created for this map by me are free for the community to use,
but please credit any original authors as I have done in this readme.

If you would like to use assets in this map that were not created by me,
please check with the other authors for permission.


Thanks for downloading!
date: 12.02.2014
Quake 3 MP

title: Endurance
file: q3gwdm2.pk3
author: Greg Ward (flipout)
email address: **email removed**
description: MP level for Quake 3
Game Types: Deathmatch


Base New level from scratch

editor: GtkRadiant 1.6.4

Tools used: Modo
Adobe Photoshop

build time: about seven weeks

known bugs: none known

Special thanks to

Mapcore idsoftware


All textures were created by flipout using photosourced material from



Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2014, flipout, **email removed**
All rights reserved.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


Quake 3 is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

November 19, 2014
Title : Rustgrad
Version : Public Release
Filename : rustgrad.bsp
Author : Jochum Skoglund / Hipshot
www : www.zfight.com

* Play Information *

Designed for : TDM FFA
Bots : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New sounds : Yes
Powerups : Quad

* Credits *

Except for a few stock iD textures, the grass straw texture (Sock) and the box texture (quake retext project)
all other textures were made by me, please credit me if assets used elsewhere.

These are the specific textures not made by me, don't use these w/o proper permission:

Most textures uses photosource from cgtextures.com.
Some of them are produced from my own photosource.

Sound are taken from freesound.org, search for the id's to find the source.
---------------------------------------------------------10th Oct, 2014

This is a very basic patch for cityy's amazingly detailed Q3 map called

This patch pk3 adds a "levelshot" and an "arena" file. These two items
will allow the level to appear in the Quake 3 menu system. It will also
add "Sarge" and "Major" as the default two bots.

With out the patch, you would have to load the map from the console and
add bots manually. You would also see the "default" level shot when
loading the map.

If cityy, does release an update to fix these small issues, please
delete the patch!


August 10, 2012
Quake III Arena DUEL level
title: McSarge's
file: ct3tourney3.pk3
author: Ferdinand 'cityy' List
email address: cityy at gmx dot de / ferdinand.list at gmail dot com
website: **invalid URL** / **invalid URL**

tourney: yes
free for all: 3 Players
team deathmatch: -
capture the flag: -
Bot File (aas): yes
Eastereggs: 1
other: This map is designed to work in vq3 while there
are additional jumps that can only be done in cpm

how to play: place ct3tourney3.pk3 in your baseq3/ folder
start quake3
hit ~
type \map ct3tourney3
type \addbot <botname> <skill> <team>

hit ~ (to clear the console)

OR select McSarges(ct3tourney3) from the skrimish menu.

- compile time: 720 seconds
- Harware: Intel Core i5 3450, 16GB Corsair Venegeance RAM
- Brush count: 4425
- Entity count: 448
- func_group: 168
- light: 176
This map has been created for the quake 3 mapping competition #4
hosted by maverickservers.com. (mapping.maverickservers.com/)
For the theme I have been inspired by games I recently (in 2012) played, like
Team Fortress 2 or Rage.

Today, on January 17th 2014 I finally managed to find the time to
fix the remaining bugs on the map and put together a final release
Here are some lame excuses for the delay: School, girlfriend, work for
QuakeLive, my dog ate the .map file.
The file size is stupidly big because the .pk3 contains a lot of high resolution
textures, some of which I did not use on the map but wanted to include
to give people the opportunity to use them in their own work (please credit me
if you do).

The map's theme builds up on McSarge's, a fictive company for deathmatch supply
and manufacturing. Offering Rocket Launchers, Jumppads,
Armors with superior build quality, the enterprise managed to build up an
overwhelming monopoly. Prior to entering the Deathmatch market in 1999, the family business
founded in the late 19th centuary focused on coal and steel productions only;
expanding quickly and eventually raising up their palett of products.
To date, the company that went up a steep path during the industrial revolution
still has it's old fashioned beauty to it, as well as the flawless product quality.

Making the level took about 6 weeks (+1.5 years of delay and one day of bug fixing)
, including developing the layout,creating the textures from references
(taken from cgtextures.com) texturing, lighting, shader effects and technical optimization.
On the map itself you can find one Mega Health, one Red Armor, one Yellow Armor,
two Green Armors and all of Quake 3's weapons minus the BFG. Gameplay wise,
I was aiming towards a fast paced and vertical setup as I usually tend to do.
Additionally, to give the level an unique touch, I tried to develop some
extraordinairy angles and routes to have an extended learning curve for the player
while keeping the basic layout simple enough to make the layout accessable and easy.


base: none
editor: NetRadiant/GTKradiant 1.6
other progs: The GIMP, notepad ++
know bugs: -
Used materials:

- texture references from cgtextures.com
- Jumppad effect shader by Hipshot (zfight.com)

Thanks to:
- Maverick (www.maverickservers.com/) for hosting and organizing the contest
- the sponsors for making the contest possible with their prizes
- also the judges for offering their time and making the contest possible
- everybody who participated in the contest
- everyone else who gave feedback, especially AEon, akm, Despair, Obsidian, Phantazm11
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2012 cityy, cityy at gmx dot de
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO
CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include
this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO

TITLE : Undergod
FILENAME : q3dmp23.pk3
AUTHOR : Peter "fKd" Ward
e-Mail : **email removed**
HOMEPAGE : no home page
DATE : 15/04/12
Default FOV : 110

Just a of q3 madness, enjoy :D

DEATHMATCH : 6 Player Respawn Points
BOTS : Doom Angel Gorre Anarki

EDITORS USED : GTKradient 1.5
UTILITIES USED : Photoshop, Winrar, Q3Map2 Toolz, Notepad
KNOWN BUGS : Not sure of to many, bad clipping mostly.

Just dump q3dmp23.pk3 into your baseq3 directory. Type /map q3dmp23 in the console. Or go to skirmish->ffa/Torney/Team and select q3dmp23.

Ydnar : Q3MAP2 (shaderlab.com/q3map2)
Hipshot : Skybox
Tabun : Great crate textures
Speedy : Andromedia
PJW : Ha more textures
Phantazm : more kickass textures
Cityy : you guessed it, more textures

And of course Id software

You know who you are lol


Copyright 2012 by Peter "fKd" Ward. All rights reserved.

This package may only be distributed by means of electronic transfer,
free of any charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way.
All the files included in the original package must remain intact and

This package may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without the prior,
explicit written consent of Peter "fKd" Ward.

- LUN3DM5: File Information ----------------------------------------------- 02.05.2012 ---
Title : You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
Filename : lun3dm5.pk3
Version : 2
Authors : Matt "Lunaran" Breit | Andrew "KungFuSquirrel" Weldon
Email Address : **email removed** | **email removed**
Web Sites : www.lunaran.com | www.button-masher.net
Installation : To install, simply unzip and place lun3dm5.pk3 in your baseq3
directory wherever you installed Quake3:Arena. The map should now
be accessible via the Multiplayer menu or by typing "\map lun3dm5"
at the console without the quotes.
Acknowledgements : WViperW, Sock, pjw and Scampie for regular feedback (ie admonishment
to throw away my awful early layouts)
: Johnny Law, Joe "tombstone" Swinbank, Nate "twtw" Overman, Vomit,
Blender81, and kungfusquirrel for live fire exercises
: Sock for putting me onto the secret hacky method to compile simple
AAS files for complicated maps

- Play Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Player Base : Designed for Tournament, but works with up to 5.
Item Load : 2 SGs, 2 RLs, LG, PG, YA, RA, MH.
CPMA Version Notes : While playable in CPMA, there is no special CPMA version included.
Nobody would PLAY a CPMA version of this, because it's a space map
and void deaths are just totally not a CPMA thing. That said, this
map is a total joy to soar around in with CPMA's altered friction,
air control, and acceleration, even if it's wholly unsuited for a
tournament. I tested the map locally by flying around in CPMA, and
when it came time to test the map publicly in VQ3 it was like
driving a dump truck on ice. (into the void.)
: AAS is included, and as of this version (2) actually behave in
their normal, mostly not-impressive manner. They cannot make most
of the jumps, opting to hop suicidally into the void, but when
their path doesn't take them across such insurmountable perils they
do navigate and behave roughly like you've come to expect. I
painstakingly selected a set of bots that are least prone to cliff
diving via a rather dull and sadistic empirical grudge match, so
if you're looking for the "full" experience, go with the default
recommended set in the create game dialog.

- Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Textures : 4
Brushes : 12,600
Average R_Speeds : Six digits. Your fancy modern computer can handle it.
Editor(s) used : QERadiant 202, Adobe Photoshop 7, Alias Maya 2008, Python
Birds : 0

- Copyright / Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------

* You MAY:
- Use the included custom textures & shaders, or modifications thereof, provided you give
note of such in an attached readme (and please let me know). Also be sure to use directories
and filenames different than those in lun3dm5.pk3.
- Distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any ELECTRONIC means, provided you leave
the contents unaltered and include this text file, also unaltered.

* You MAY NOT:
- Decompile or reproduce the BSP as a base to build additional levels. Make your own damned
- Commercially exploit this file or its contents in any way.
- Distribute this pak file and/or its contents on any HARD MEDIA whatsoever, including but not
limited to magazine coverdisks or level compilations, without prior consent of and negotiation
with the author.

| |
| "I want a Red Ryder carbine action two- |
| hundred shot range model air rifle!" |
| |

Datum: September 23rd 2011
Titel: Shibam
File: shibam_1.3.pk3
Autor: Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
Email: daengineer [at] gmx [dot] de
Blog: victorkarp.wordpress.com

Shibam's name and look are based on a desert city in Yemen; but some high-tech
elements can also be found. I wanted to achieve two things with this map I
was unable to combine until now: good gameplay AND turning away from the standard
Quake 3 look. Because of this, Shibam has much more vertical gemeplay compared
to my previous maps. There are endless possibilities to get from A to B and as
few borders as possible - almost every visible place can be reached.
Map information

Tourney: Yes
Deathmatch: Yes, 2-3 players are fun
Team Deathmatch: Yes, 2on2 works well
Bot File (aas): Yes
New sound effects: Yes
New Textures: Yes
New Music: No

How to play: Place shibam_v1.2.pk3 in your baseq3 directory. The map
is selectable in the skirmish menu
Map is based on: Photos of the desert city Shibam. Only the city's
look was payed attention to, not the actual layout
Editor: GtkRadiant 1.5.0
Other tools: q3ase, Notepad, Photoshop
Known bugs: Bots don't use the jump pad behind the RL

Most textures are based on textures from www.cgtextures.com. Others
are edited standard Q3 textures.

The airflow texture is based on the Quake 3 firegorre texture and was
edited by sst13. Visit him on sst13.net

The sound effect sound/misc/windfly.wav was taken from Quake 1.

The sound effects gatter.wav and wooden_door.wav were made by
Patrick "Scout" Schotte. Visit him on patrickschotte.wordpress.com
I would like to thank...

Stefan "sst13" Scholz. I've seen the pipe system the first time in your
map "13qdm17". Many thanks for the airflow texture together with the shader
and your mapfile for a better understanding how this stuff works!

Patrick "Scout" Schotte. If you didn't help me almost every day with this
map and even contributed some brushwork and sound effects to it, Shibam
would never have been as much fun as it is now!

The members of **invalid URL** and quake3world.com/forum. You contributed
a lot to this map!
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2011 Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO
CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include
this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO

Datum: 23. September 2011
Titel: Shibam
File: shibam_1.3.pk3
Autor: Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
Email: daengineer [at] gmx [dot] de
Blog: victorkarp.wordpress.com

Shibam basiert namentlich und optisch auf einer Wüstenstadt in Jemen.
Allerdings haben auch einige high-tech Elemente einen Weg in das kleine
Städtchen gefunden. Ich wollte mit dieser Map zwei Dinge vereinen, die
mir bisher nie wirklich gelungen sind: gutes Gameplay und die gleichzeitige
Abkehr vom ewig gleichen Quake 3 Texturset. Deshalb ist diese Map im
Gegensatz zu meinen bisherigen Maps viel vertikaler aufgebaut, besitzt
endlose Möglichkeiten, von A nach B zu kommen und soll natürlich auch primär
Spaß machen. Dem Spieler sind innerhalb des Levels nur minimale Grenzen
gesetzt, nahezu jeder sichtbare Ort kann und soll auch erreicht werden.
Map Informationen

Tourney: Ja
Deathmatch: Ja, ich würde 2-3 Spieler empfehlen
Team Deathmatch: Ja, 2on2 funktioniert gut
CTF: Nein
Bot File (aas): Ja
Neue Soundeffekte: Ja
Neue Texturen: Ja
Neue Musik: Nein

Starthinweis: Die shibam_v1.2.pk3 muss ins baseq3 Verzeichnis
kopiert werden und kann dann über das Skirmish
Menü ausgewählt werden

Basiert auf: Fotos der Wüstenstadt Schibam. Dabei wurde jedoch
nur der Stil umgesetzt, nicht der tatsächliche Aufbau
der Stadt
Editor: GtkRadiant 1.5.0
Andere Programme: q3ase, Notepad, Photoshop
Bekannte Bugs: Bots benutzen das Jumppad hinter dem RL nicht

Ein Großteil der Texturen basiert auf Texturen von www.cgtextures.com.
Ein paar der benutzten alten Quake 3 Texturen wurden farblich von mir
angepasst, um in den Stil der Map zu passen.

Die Textur für den Luftstrom in der Röhre basiert auf der firegorre
Textur aus Quake 3 und wurde von sst13 erstellt. Seine Homepage kann
unter sst13.net gefunden werden.

Der Soundeffekt sound/misc/windfly.wav stammt aus Quake 1.

Die Soundeffekte gatter.wav und wooden_door.wav wurden von
Patrick "Scout" Schotte erstellt. Sein Blog kann unter
patrickschotte.wordpress.com gefunden werden.

Ich richte meinen Dank an...

Stefan "sst13" Scholz. Das Röhrensystem, das den Spieler zur Red Armor
befördert, habe ich erstmals in deiner Map "13qdm17" gesehen. Vielen Dank
für deine Luftstromtextur samt Shader sowie das map file zum besseren

Patrick "Scout" Schotte. Wenn du mir nich nahezu täglich mit Rat und Tat zu
dieser Map beigestanden und hier und da auch mal etwas Brushwork beigesteuert
hättest, wäre sie bei Weitem nicht einmal ansatzweise so gut geworden, wie sie
letzten Endes ist. Nicht zu vergessen die beiden Soundeffekte, ohne die
ich wirklich aufgeschmissen wäre. Vielen Dank dafür!

Die Mitglieder von **invalid URL** und quake3world.com/forum. Ihr habt ein
gutes Stück zu dieser Map beigetragen!
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2011 Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO
CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include
this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO

== Shibam ======================================================
== A Quake III Arena map by Victor „DaEngineer“ Karp ===========
== Visit victorkarp.wordpress.com for more information ==

== Shibam v1.3 ==

• wrong textures at the crane
• ugly shadows cast by the jump pad at the jump pad hall's exit

• stair at the YA is damaged
• stair at the RA is damaged
• the wooden stair's steps are crooked
• replaced PG with GL
• area around the city gate is darker
• removed weak lights at the stairs aside the mosque
• the URL to my blog has a wooden frame

== Shibam v1.2 ==

• it’s no longer possible to get stuck when running down the wooden planks in front of the city gate
• some misaligned and wrong scaled brush faces
• even more surfaces the player can't see anyway were not textured with caulk
• the external aas map has been cleaned up a lot
• hard light edge above the RA tunnel's entrance due to mixing regular and phong shaded textures

• this changelog and credit for the sound effects in the readme
• there are rumors that an easter egg has found it's way to the desert town...
• the URL of my blog has been added as a decal
• additional bricks in the city gate's gap

• decreased the brightness of the firebowl's light entities at the entrances to the jump pad hall as well as the lights of the two firebowls near the RA to reduce bright spots when playing with r_overbrightbits 1

== Shibam v1.1 ==

• lots of surfaces the player can't see anyway were not textured with caulk
• sloppy placed or missing clip brushes
• really bad brushwork in some areas. Not noticeable, but results in a cleaner BSP and less polys
• the camera entity for the spectator mode was placed outside the playing area
• corrected one misplaced and thus useless hint brush
• one brush was textured with slick instead of nodrop
• wrong texture scale at the archway near the MH
• it’s no longer possible to collide with the underside of angled clip brushes inside the RG tower
• when approaching the RA tunnel’s entrance from above (e.g. by rocket jumping) the player was thrown against the wall above the tunnel endlessly instead of getting drawn in. This has been fixed by adjusting a clip brush
• removed one unnecessary brush as well as an entity iside the RA tunnel

• the archway above the MH is partly destructed now. This allows jumping directly from the balcony above the shard group to the MH without hitting the inner city wall
• raised the lowest floor (the one with the Quad) by 16 units which results in no falling damage when dropping down from the first level
• added a stair at the YA leading from YA to the tower's socket
• added a stair at the socket’s RA facing side
• added a jump pad behind the Rocket Launcher to connect 1st and 2nd floor. Two spawn points needed to be moved
• at the RG tower's backside there's a button now. Push it, and a door at the tower's front will open for a couple of seconds. This door will lead you to the tower's inside. You can get the RG from there just as if you'd taken the teleporter. While the door is opened, the teleporter will be closed by lowering poles
• multiple weak lights to light up the narrow stair aside the mosque and the mosque’s front
• added a nodrop brush to the RG tower’s bottom

• replaced Shotgun on the balcony with a Plasmagun and bullets at the teleporter with cells. Removed SG ammo at the basket-stair and placed cells on the new stair aside it
• removed clay pots to clear the new walkway to the stair at the YA
• slightly broadened the walkway along the four firebowls
• decreased the brightness of the firebowl's light entities to reduce bright spots when playing with r_overbrightbits 1
• added 3 small health's in each jump pad tunnel and removed 2 small health bubbles above the left bazaar. Removed the middle one of the 5 armor shards
• wooden frames under items are now depending on the item type. Shards, 5HP and 25HP bubbles have rectangular frames, armor, MH and Quad have octagonal ones. Frames are below every health and armor item now, and the texture has been changed from the standard Q3 wood texture to Shibam's wood texture
• redesigned the teleporter to the RG tower's bottom
• significantly increased the distance to the top skybox brushes. Jumping around with quad damage is just too much fun to prevent it artificially
• changed some lines of the skybox shader to improve lighting
• the plank in front of the mosque no longer lies in a straight line from window to window. Instead, it has become a ramp to allow travelling up to the right window from the stairs‘ foot aside the mosque

• bots don’t use the jump pad behind the RL

- LUN3_20B1: File Information ---------------------------------------------- 01.23.2011 ---
Title : Ludonarrative Dissonance
Filename : lun3_20b1.pk3
Authors : Matt "Lunaran" Breit
Email Address : **email removed**
Web Sites : www.lunaran.com
Installation : To install, simply unzip and place lun3_20b1.pk3 in your baseq3
directory wherever you installed Quake3:Arena. The map should now
be accessible via the Multiplayer menu or by typing "\map lun3_20b1" at
the console without the quotes.
Acknowledgements : Radiator for the mapcore 20brush contest, the guys at leveldesign.nl
for the original 20brush contest, KungFuSquirrel for general testing

- Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Construction Time : a couple days, most of which was faffing with textures and lighting
Brushes : twenty I said
Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant 202, Adobe Photoshop 7
Birds : 0

- Copyright / Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------

* You MAY:
- Use the included custom textures & shaders, or modifications thereof, provided you give
note of such in an attached readme (and please let me know). Also be sure to use directories
and filenames different than those in lun3dm5.pk3.
- Distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any ELECTRONIC means, provided you leave
the contents unaltered and include this text file, also unaltered.

* You MAY NOT:
- Commercially exploit this file or its contents in any way.
- Distribute this pak file and/or its contents on any HARD MEDIA whatsoever, including but not
limited to magazine coverdisks or level compilations, without prior consent of and negotiation
with the author.

| |
| "This ludic contract is in line with the values |
| underlying Randian rational self-interest." |
| |

Quake3Arena DM/Duel level

Title: Tortured
File: pukka3tourney7.pk3
Author: thefury aka sumatra
Email address: **email removed**
URL: www.pukkadesign.com
Description: Duel map for CPM/Quake Live gameplay
TDM map for CPM/Quake Live gameplay

TDM, FFA has an altered item set with Quad Damage.



Sock (www.simonoc.com) - Terrain, organic and plants (texture/shader)
Hipshot (www.zfight.com) - Sky, jumppad/weaponspawn/teleporter (texture/shader)
CG-Textures (www.cgtextures.com) - Made most textures based on photos from the cg-texture database
Lunaran (www.lunaran.com) - Used some textures (lights/metalbeams..) of cpm23

Quake3World (quake3world.com/forum) - Thanks for the great feedback

Pat Howard

InQuake.de (quake.ingame.de) - Thanks for the great feedback


ESReality (www.esreality.com) - Thanks for the great feedback


Freesound.org (www.freesound.org) - Awesome database with free sounds

+ everyone I forgot


Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2010 sumatra, **email removed**
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


Release date: 22nd of may 2010.
Quake3 Tourney level.
title: Rainy Day
file: ct3tourney2.pk3
author: cityy
email address: cityy at gmx dot de
website: **invalid URL**

You can also contact me in #maverickservers on quakenet (cityy).
play information(CPM):

tourney: 1on1
deathmatch: Small DM (up to 3 ppl)
team deathmatch: no
clan arena: no
CTF: no
Bot File (aas): yes
other: -
new sounds: yes
new graphics: yes
new music: no

how to play: place ct3tourney2.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3
hit ~
type \map ct3tourney2
type \addbot <botname> <skill>

hit ~ (to clear the console)

OR select Rainy Day(ct3tourney2) from the skrimish menu

This map started as some kind of design test.
I originally made it to get better at adding details and creating an authentic atmosphere.

The pk3 contains _2_ maps: ct3tourney2 and pro-ct3tourney2.
The pro version is meant to be the duel version for CPM.


base: none
editor: GTKRadiant 1.5
other progs: The GIMP
know bugs: none known

Used materials:

- Skybox and other textures by Hipshot: zfight.com/
- Textures from Method's yan_test: www.methodonline.com/
- Photo references taken from cgtextures.com/
- Grate texture from Speedy's Andromeda texture set
- window texture from Kingpin
- Tele/JP texture from evillair's eq2 set - www.evillair.net/v2/

Thanks to:

- Hipshot and AEon for 24/7 feedback service :>
- the guys over at quake3world.com LEM forums, thanks for the great feedback!
- id software ofc. :)

... oh yer and to Tigger-oN, cause ..::LvL just rules!!!!!! ;)))))

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2010 cityy, cityy at gmx dot de
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO
CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include
this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO
title: Focal Point
date: 14th December 2009
file: focal_p132.pk3
author(s): Simon 'Sock' O'Callaghan
email address: mememe[at]simonoc[dot]com
URL: www.simonoc.com/
description: Special FFA/1v1/TDM version for Q3 1.32 only

Please refer to the website for the latest information.


Special Thanks

* Ydnar for the Q3map2 compiler.


Skybox: Multiple cloud layers, my own photo source
Textures: Inspired by Evillair template texture set
Created from scratch in high resolution
Sounds: All custom sounds by marauder
Mapping Music: Various albums from the Global Underground sets
**invalid URL**

Game play

VQ3 and CPMA: FFA 3-6 players, 1v1/TDM (Q3 pointrelease 1.32 required)
Bot File (aas): yes (optimized), 5 clusters

Spawn Locations: FFA - 12, 1v1/TDM - 10
Item Balance: FFA : 1xYA,1xRA,1xRL,1xLG,1xGL,1xPG,1xSG,1xQuad/Haste
1v1 & TDM : 2xYA,2xRL,1xLG,1xPG,1xSG,1xMH

How to play place focal_p132.pk3 in your
/Quake III Arena/baseq3/ folder
start quake3 Arena
hit ~
type /map focal_p132
hit ~ (to clear the console)

Construction / Compiler

Editor: SDRadiant (GTK 1.3.8)
Build Time: 3 weeks
Build Version: 1ay
Brush/Entity: 4843/243

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2009 sock, mememe[at]simonoc[dot]com
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


release date: 12.08.2005
Quake3Arena Tourney level.


title: necro6 [Story to tell]
file: necro6.pk3
author: NecrosiS
email address: **email removed** | **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
**invalid URL**
**invalid URL**

description: q3 map for tourney .

play information

tourney: Yes
deathmatch: Yes
team deathmatch: Yes
CTF: no
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: Yes (textures by Sock)
new music: no


editor: gtkRadiant 1.2.11 by Id Software

know bugs: none
build time: one week

thanx to:

Berto (**invalid URL**)

Members of Burial Grounds (**invalid URL**)
Levelsource (**invalid URL**)
Maposfera (**invalid URL**)
Org's beta corner (**invalid URL**)
..::LvL beta section (lvlworld.com/)

All others beta testers :)
Sock for His awesome textures (**invalid URL**)


Title : The Forlorn Hope
File Name : jof3dm2.pk3
Author : JustOneFiX
Release Date : 4th June 2004
Email Address : justonefix[at]internode[dot]on[dot]net
IRC : #tfh on EnterTheGame
Web site : **invalid URL**
Game Type : tourney

Description : Small, fast paced tourney map with a dark medial evil theme. Fifteen second
weapon respawns are employed for added map control. The absense of the rail
gun is a feature not a bug. :)



Textures by: Sock

Kkybox by: Dash

Map Models by: Kevin Kolk, QkennyQ

Thanks to all the guys and girls of Clan PiT for playtesting and encouragment. Particular
thanks to Spud, Target, Leone, Foofighter, Lore and flesh for gameplay advice, testing and
bug squashing. Thanks also to Lore for coming up with the name of the map.

* Installation *
- Simply unzip the contents to your Quake3/baseq3 folder. The map should
then be available through the skirmish menu.
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN

TITLE : Aerowalk [Hubster's Remix II]
FILENAME : hub3aeroq3a.zip
AUTHOR : The Preacher (this conversion by the Hubster)
DATE : December 2003
TYPE : CPMA Tourney Only
EMAIL ADDRESS : **email removed**
WEBSITE URL : **invalid URL**
ZIPFILE CONTENTS : hub3aeroq3a.pk3, hub3aeroq3a.txt


Aerowalk was originally made by The Preacher for Quake. Full
credits for design and ownership go to Preacher. This is his level.

This version of my remix has been redone due to high public demand.
It is suitable for CPMA only. This map should not be played in base
Quake III Arena, as several items will be missing.

This map is OFFICIAL and has been endorsed by the original author.
DEATHMATCH : 6 Player Respawn Points

MAP BASE : Conversion of the original Aerowalk.
: Rebuilt from scratch.
EDITOR(S) USED : GTK Radiant 1.2.13
OTHER UTILITIES USED : Photoshop, Editpad, Qase, Q3MAP2 2.5.10
COMPILE MACHINE : Athlon XP 1800, 768MB RAM, GeForce DDR
Compile Settings : BSP -meta
: LIGHT -fast -bounce 8 -samples 2 -filter
: BSPC -forcesidesvisible -bsp2aas

PREACHER: for building a map like this. A work of genius which has stood the
test of time
SOCK: for the skybox.
LUNARAN: for the MKOXIDE textureset
YDNAR: for Q3MAP2.
DECKER & JUDE: for the teleporter texture and shader.
HOONY: for making this official release possible. Big thanks!
SWELT: for moral support, playtesting
wVIPERw: playtesting, mapping guidance & moral support.
This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in
any way without written permission from the Preacher.

Quake III Arena (C) 1999 id Software. All rights reserved.
The Preacher (C). All rights reserved.

TITLE : Swiss Cheese Trickster
FILENAME : map-qfraggel3.pk3
AUTHOR : Thomas "Q-Fraggel" Creutzenberg
DATE : July 24th 2002
TYPE : FFA / TDM (two seperate bsp's, qfraggel3ffa also playable in TDM)
PLAYER LOAD : 3 - 10, most fun with 4 - 6
EMAIL ADDRESS : **email removed**

HOMEPAGE URL : **invalid URL**

ITEMS FFA: 1 shotgun
2 grenade launchers
1 plasmagun
1 rocketlauncher
1 railgun
7 armor shards
1 yellow armor
1 red armour
3 MG ammo
3 SG ammo
3 GL ammo
4 PG ammo
3 RL ammo
2 RG ammo
11 small health
5 health
3 large health
1 megahealth
19 player respawns
1 haste

SECRETS: (look) Access to a really cool camping position

(think) 1 personal teleporter / medikit (teamed)

(find) 4 small health
1 GL ammo
1 flight

ITEMS TDM: 1 shotgun
1 grenade launchers
1 plasmagun
1 lightning gun
1 rocketlauncher
1 railgun
10 armor shards
1 yellow armor
1 red armour
3 MG ammo
3 SG ammo
3 GL ammo
4 PG ammo
3 LG ammo
4 RL ammo
2 RG ammo
7 small health
5 health
3 large health
1 megahealth
19 player respawns
1 biosuit

NEW ARTWORK : New skybox created with terragen
New textures (110) taken from my upcoming "good times" texture set
with new shaders
New sounds


1. Extract "map-qfraggel3.pk3" into your Q****3/baseq3 directory

2. Select from the skirmish menu or type \map qfraggel3 in the console

3. Enjoy!

4. Do not run amok anywhere! ;)


I like trickjumps a lot. So I always try to include a few in my maps.
With this map, no distance for jumping is set by chance.
So check out where strafe / double / bunny jumps may be useful :D
Also, every jumppad has AT LEAST TWO (up to 4-5) useful landing destinations.
Rocket- / Plasmajumps on jumppads are sometimes useful but not necesarry at all.

There are about 25+ REALLY USEFUL trickjumps.


This is most likely my last Q3A custom map, don't expect more. Enjoy!


It took me two days to make them play the way they play. They won't do any better. But in my
opinion they play ok the way they do.

For much more fun and gaming experience try with your friends at the next lan.
Most enjoyable! :)


The Kristall Keep : Tourney / FFA (3-5 Player)

Last Fortress : FFA / TDM (4-12 Player)

Please visit my website for more info (**invalid URL**)

MAP BASE : Built from inspiration
TOOLs USED : Q3Radiant 2.02 to GtkRadiant 1.2.7

CONSTRUCTION TIME : On and off (far more off) over the period of 2 years
KNOWN BUGS : none - plays better than some people want it to ;)


BSP TIME : 30 seconds
VIS TIME : 171 seconds
LIGHT TIME : 3210 seconds
BSPC TIME : 233 seconds


- Respect to my live playtesting crew! (aplphabethical order)

Abuse (Beware of the exploding power supply!)
[CBH]Ace (Cyberhunter)
Bastard (The running frag)
Beane (Where's the camper?)
[CBH]Cord (Cyberhunter)
quad(Dante (Veteran, too good)
Evil_Felix (I know, UT is better ...)
Evil_Lenz_Man (Better don't kill this guy with a plasmagun! Muhahaha ...)
Glause (Prefers realtime stragey, what the ...?)
Hardcore ("Du schabe!")
Kenny_McCormick (Railking)
Maverick (DRRrrrrDRRRRRrrrrschhhhhh)
[CBH]Mr.Burns (Cyberhunter)
Pino (Holiday man!)
Scum (Professional scooter pilot)
[CBH]Viper (Cyberhunter)

- Respect to my beta testers! Thanks for the intensive help! (aplphabethical order)

Charon **invalid URL**
Keditok mailto:**email removed**
Mikey **invalid URL**
Pjw **invalid URL**
vwiperv **invalid URL**

- Everybody at the mapcenter forum

- Everybody at the cpm forum

- Everybody at the quake3world level editing forum

- Everybody at the burial grounds forum for their nice comments
**invalid URL**

- Thomas Kronenberg and Rebecca Ludolphy, for borrowing me
their digital camera from time to time

- Ydnar For a great improvement of q3build

- Lanzelot Without whom I wouldn't have been able to use ydnar's new q3map
Thanks mate!

- Bert "Rat" Peers For the great Q3Ase
**invalid URL**

- id Software For the game

All my of my other friends and everybody I missed!!

Authors MAY NOT use parts of this level or the whole level as a base for other levels.

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH

This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission.
If you want to distribute this level you HAVE TO ASK for my permission.
Please note that I will be more than willing to.

You may not use any of the textures included for anything. I will release a seperate texture
pack on my homepage soon. Please be patient.

Copyright 2002 on artwork/design

date: September 17th 2001.
Quake3Arena DM level.

title: ChiropteraDM
file: ChiropteraDM.pk3

authors: Alcatraz / Nunuk / Sock

Alcatraz **email removed**
**invalid URL**
Nunuk: **email removed**
**invalid URL**
Sock: **email removed**
**invalid URL**

Architecture: Nunuk
Gameplay: Alcatraz
Textures: Sock / Arnaud "pikouze" barros / Nunuk

Play information

tourney: yes
deathmatch: 2-6
Bot File (aas): yes (Optimized)

how to play place chiropteraDM.pk3 in your
/Quake III Arena/baseq3/ folder
start quake3 Arena
hit ~
type /map chiropteraDM
type /addbot <botname> <skill>
hit ~ (to clear the console)

Note: If the map does not start automatically after loading then make
sure you have the SV_PURE variable set to 0. I also included an arena
file in the pk3 file so that it can be loaded from the menus.


editor: Q3Radiant 197 by Id Software
build time: Original Map : 3 months, New version : 1 month
build version: 6(F)

New Beta testers: Nunuk, Ttimo, NakedApe, Shallow[BAP]

Thanks from Sock:

Ttimo : for advice and testing.
NakedApe : for advice on TA items and testing.
alcatraz : for taking time on the level, and for his item placement.
Zed the best gf ever :P

Additional thanks from Nunuk:

my wife lorene. for her patience.
my son arthur.(stop slapping dad's keyboard!)
for advice and testing : nanospawn, bal, sock, shod, ttimo, spog.
auhsan - for inspiration :o)
th - too bad for the title, it will be for the next map.
just for being there : lunaran, grindspire, friction, and all at TF.
cool_ber - for being cool :>
ptit benj - always there for cool advices
bengal - for his awesome artwork
pappy-r, will, ash, and staff, @ planetquake
all the guys at qmap and terrafusion
ohz, shod and fff - for pimping and for always reminding me that i'll
become a real mapper when i'll stop doing these crappy space maps .... :oD
yan "la crampe" - the only "dm17sucks" dude that passes at
least one hour a day playing in it.
arnaud "pikouse" - for allowing me to modify his own texes.
roland "poz_kak"

Thanx to all the other people that i could have forgot. ;)

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2001 sock, **email removed**
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN



Title : Meatball Grinder
version 1.1
Release date : 18 July 2001
File name : ik3dm2.pk3

Author : Iikka "Fingers" Keranen
Email Address : **email removed**

Map description : Snapped a cool concrete texture from right
outside my bedroom window... It reminded me
of the "DM4" style of Q1, and set me off on
a tangent of creating strange metallic
Quake-ish textures... Had to do a map with
them too.

This level is somewhat of a rehash of my
old Quake2 quickie "The Tentacular Terrace",
but upgraded to the current level of engine
technology... I even trimmed the curves ;-p

Plays best with 2-3 players. Runs OK on my
"old" p2/350 with a cheap Geforce 2 MX with
all the detail (not resolution) cranked up,
but it IS a bit heavy on curves... So turn
down the geometry detail if you experience

Thanks to : id, zdim, everyone who betatested it, you.

***** Construction *****

Editor used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : One misalignment, one unavoidable sparkly.
Build Time : ~12 hours + textures
Compile machine : p3/7000/512M
Compile Times : 7 minutes or so


* How to use the .pk3 *

copy ik3dm2.pk3 to your baseq3 directory
run Q3A, and select the map in the DM or single player skirmish menu.

* Copyright / Permissions *

You're allowed to redistribute this level via electronic media such as Internet,
and free of charge. Any commercial use without a permission is prohibited.

TITLE : Dismemberment
FILENAME : hub3dm1.zip
AUTHOR : The Hubster
DATE : Feb 10 2001
TYPE : Tourney
EMAIL ADDRESS : **email removed**
WEBSITE URL : **invalid URL**
ZIPFILE CONTENTS : hub3dm1.pk3, hub3dm1.txt
Designed for duel play in the Challenge Promode mod. Plays fine with normal
Quake III Arena. Theme inspired by the Team Arena map "Scornforge". Textures
were NOT taken from Team Arena, they were created by myself. Metal techfloor
shader originally by id Software, modified by myself. Bouncepad textures
originally by Id Software, modified by myself.
DEATHMATCH : 6 Player Respawn Points
TEAM DEATHMATCH : Try it out, and tell me if it's fun?

MAP BASE : New Map
PREFABS USED : My own (for the Square Cylinder Arches)
EDITOR(S) USED : Q3radiant 202B3, GTK Radiant 1.1 TA Beta
OTHER UTILITIES USED : Photoshop, Editpad, Qase
COMPILE MACHINE : P3 600eMhz, 256MB RAM, GeForce DDR
BSP TIME : Approx 20 seconds
VIS TIME : Approx 4 minutes
LIGHT TIME : Approx 10 minutes

BANJO : for all his help. He was largely responsible for the layout, spawn and
item placements. This is as much his map as it is mine.
XFOO : Also had major input into the layout and item placements. Thankyou for
your expertise:-)
SHOVEL : Helped with performance optimisations. Thanks for teaching me some new
things buddy!
WASP : for keeping me going all this time. He knows more than anyone how long
it took for me to get this level done. Thanks for your support!
ID : for making a map like Scornforge - it's a fantastic piece of work!

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH
NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT

This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my written permission.

Quake III Arena (C) 1999 id Software. All rights reserved.
Quake III Team Arena (C) 2000 id Software. All rights reserved.
Title : Up Close and Personal
PK3 Name : d3xf1.pk3
Date : November 4, 2000
Author : Ágúst Atlason[DruZli of MurK]
E-mail : **email removed**
Description : Quake III Arena Duel Map

* Play Information *

- This map was designed for Challenge Pro Mode but plays
just as well in regular Quake III.

* Description *

Game type : Duel
Player load : 2
Respawn spots : 6
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes, jump pads made by n1-Decker (your the greatest!)
and xtc made the texture with the CPM logo.
Known issues : Bots are not willing to use the teleporter

* Credits *

- n1-Decker for all his help; please visit his site
@ **invalid URL** for great maps
- n1-xfoo for item placement, playtesting, and suggestions.
- others who helped in testing like n1-AgenT, n1-Decker, Khaile,
among others.
- xtc for making the CPM texture for me
- the guy who made the Challenge ProMode logo, Duncan Miller[fuse]
- I would also like to thank the promode team
for making promode which can be downloaded @ playmorepromode.com/

* Copyright / Permissions *

Copyright (2000) by Ágúst Atlason. All rights reserved.

This package may only be distributed by means of electronic transfer,
free of any charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way.
All the files included in the original package must remain intact and

This package may not be distributed on any CD-ROM, nor be
used on a commercial multi-player server without the prior,
explicit written consent of Ágúst Atlason.

date: 10 October 2000.
Quake3Arena DM/Tourney level.

title: OverWhelming Hostility
file: auh3dm1.pk3
author: Auhsan
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
description: little/medium sized green gothic map for tourney and Deathmatch.
play information

skills 0,1,2,3: no
tourney: 1on1, 2on2
deathmatch: 3-5
CTF: no
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: yes
new graphics: yes, modified textures mainly
new models: yes
new music: no

how to start start a server with +set sv_pure 0
hit ~
type /map auh3dm1
hit ~ (to clear the console)


base: from scratch
editor: Q3Radiant 2.02
know bugs: none known
build time: 1 moth + 1 week of betatesting

thanx to ...

Bal - **invalid URL**
Deathmonger - **invalid URL**
GrindSpire - **invalid URL**
IronHammer - **invalid URL**
NanoSpawn/Spawn/Spawny, Card0

the cool people at #terrafusion and level editing forum from quake3world.com/forum

Teleporter texture based on texture from mrcq3dm2 by Mr. Clean.

Cool 3Skull model by Oak - **invalid URL**.

Wind Sounds from Storm Pack by Death2Uall - **invalid URL**
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


Estatica by Cardigan

'The rain in Spain falls mainly in freeze-frame'

FFA map for Quake 3 Arena


Title: Estatica

File: map-estatica-cardigan.pk3
BSPs: estatica.bsp

Author: Cardigan (Dan Evans)
Email address: **email removed**
Website: **invalid URL**

Description: Surreal, spanish-colonial-flavoured FFA map for 4 - 8 players. Makes use of many of the new visual effects made possible by ydnar's fantastic q3map2 compiler - hi-res shadows, lightmapped terrain and models etc...

Recommended specs: Beauty unfortunately comes at a price - something I can attest to after undergoing 12 years of cosmetic surgery to make me look like David Hasselhoff. In the case of this map the price is a GeForce2 or equivalent graphics card with processor to match and I would imagine 64MB of video RAM for full texture detail. Anything less will probably result in unplayable frame rates, although reducing geometric and texture detail and switching to 16-bit colour will make the map less system-hungry.


How to play
Unzip the .pk3 file into your baseq3 directory and off you go!

Type "\map estatica" into the console or choose the map through the skirmish menu.

New textures: yes, all textures made in Photoshop 7.0 by me. Some textures contain photographic elements taken from the following rather groovy public photo collections:

Travis Price's Texture Bin 342: **invalid URL**

Jeremy A. Engleman's Public Textures: **invalid URL**

**invalid URL**

Ornate tile designs taken from 2 textures on the TextureWorld European Tile texture CD.

Some of the textures in this map will shortly be available to use as part of the Map-Center Mediterranean Texture Challenge Pack. See www.map-center.com for more details.

new shaders: yes.

new models: yes - the palm is by Todd Gantzler and the rest are by me.

new sounds: yes, a rustle cobbled together in Sound Forge from various sounds from Todd's multiplant model pack.

new music: yes, a moody atmospheric piece commissioned from my good friend The Tudor Intruder.


(Frequently Unanswered Questions)

1. Why doesn't the rain move?


Answers to Spot the Deliberate Mistake Competition (aka Known Issues)

1. z-fighting around the smaller pools and in a few other places in 16-bit mode.
2. a few hard edges on the lightmaps.
3. portals wobble in out-of-the-box q3 and in many mods. They're static as they should be in regular Q3 patched up to the latest version.
4. The weapons and items rotate and bob as normal, something I tried to override using a cunning idea from Sonke Richter (thanks!) but unfortuantely all the global shader switching required to keep the items still and make them invisible when they were not available was causing horrible framerate drop-outs.


Thanks to....

ydnar for writing q3map2, without which many of the fancy effects in this map (high res shadows etc) would not have been possible.

Everyone at the Q3W Level Editing forums for their support, especially quint for being such a good pal, wviperw for his comprehensive feedback and djbob for helping me out with some techy stuff.

The ICE and CPMA mod teams for writing ICE and CPMA which allowed me to test new item layouts at decent framerates without having to sit through another enormous VIS compile.

My mexican connection Lionel Steamer for the title and feedback.

The Tudor Intruder for the music.

Todd Gantzler for the palm model which can be found at: i.am/professorQ3

id software for making Q3.

My partner Megan, son Fred and baby Lola for putting up with me, contributing lots of good ideas and generally being splendid.

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Level design, map models and texture art copyright Dan 'Cardigan' Evans, 2003 (subject to exceptions stated above)

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
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Title : Iron Yard
Filename : Fr3dm1.pk3
Game : Quake 3 Arena
Gametype : FFA, Team
Author : Ville 'Friction' Nieminen
Contact : **email removed**
Homepage : Soon in **invalid URL**
Filesize : 2.4 MB

Previous maps : Frdm1 - The Three Falls (Q2 DM)
: Frdm2 - The Exposure (Q2 DM)
: Frdm3 - Under Pressure (Q2 DM)


General blahblah : Ahhh.. it has been ages since I last released a map. This one
has been in the process for 6 months and im glad to finally get
rid of it. "But where are the curves? This is supposed to be Q3A?!",
I hear you say. Oldskool Flavor here, no curves to be seen (okay,
i got couple patches tho). Angular stuff just rocks too much :)

Recommended player load: 3-8 in FFA (3-6 if you dislike mayhem)
2 vs 2 - 4 vs 4 in TeamDM. (again, 4 vs 4 is action packed)
Some brave souls might even try duels, quite large for that tho.

Botplay : Bots do play the map but thats pretty much all about it, so dont
expect to see anything fancy in that department. The layout just seems
to be too much for them to handle.

Included bots are: Doom, Ranger, Keel, Hunter and Patriot

Greetings to : All betatesters, and in particular to Bal - The Triangular Betatester

Shambler for suggesting adding an outdoor part

Clan Eel

Residents of #Terrafusion - The home of 00rt and other such things

Pete 'Meat' Parisi for the awesome meatpak textures
(**invalid URL**)

Than for the great than_industrial texture set
(**invalid URL**)

Lunaran for lundesert rock and dirt textures
(**invalid URL**)

And to everyone else I forgot

(And to CardO because he is whining to get his name here at IRC ;=)


Techy Stuff

Compile Machine : Celeron 500 / 128MB SDRAM
Compile Time : Bsp 33 seconds
: Vis 663 seconds
: Rad 1034 seconds
: Total 29 minutes
New Textures : Yes, Meatpak, than_industrial and some modified ones by me
New Sounds : Some from Q2
New Music : No
Weapon Load : GL, RL, RG, Shaft and 2 Shotguns
Ammo : 4 ammo_bullet
2 ammo_grenades
2 ammo_lightning
3 ammo_rockets
3 ammo_shells
2 ammo_slugs


The boring part : You may not..

..distribute this level on any physical media without my written permission
..use this level as a base to build additional levels
..omit this textfile when distributing this map

You may..

..distribute this level via electronic means freely (Internet, BBS, etc)
..put this level in map packs (please contact me if you do so)
..put this level on any server you want
..enjoy the level :)

And Remember : If something blows up I had nothing to do with it. (it was CardO)
