Description : Quake III Arena map
Map Name : Epilogue
Filename : ospdm14rc1.pk3
Author : J. Scott Drader aka Teddy
Website : **invalid URL**
E-mail : **email removed**
ICQ UIN : 47270361
MSN : **email removed**
IRC : irc.enterthegame.com -> #mob
== Info ==
This is a pre-release of Epilogue, which will be included in the next OSP release. The idea was to make it available to upcoming leagues for which the OSP patch will not be in time for. It's my 3rd map for Quake III Arena, and just as the first 2, it's meant for TDM (and should be best for 4v4). Enjoy!
== Installation ==
The "ospdm14rc1.pk3" simply needs to be in your "\baseq3" folder.
== Credits ==
This map uses some custom textures. Thanks to each of:
Senn (**invalid URL**)
Kiltron (**invalid URL**)
Yves Allaire aka evil lair (**invalid URL**)
Randy Reddig (shaderlab.com/q3map2)
Sock (**invalid URL**)
== Copyright / Permissions ==
Copyright (2003) by J. Scott Drader. All rights reserved.
This package may only be distributed free of any charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. All the files included in the original package must remain intact and unmodified.