Tournament : no
Deathmatch : yes
Team : yes
Ctf : no
* Construction *
Programs :GtkRadiant-1.4, Winrar, Notepad, Q3map2
Based on : nothing
Brushes : ~4800
Entities : ~460
new textures : yes
new sounds : no
new models : yes
Items : RL x 1 YA x 2
SG x 1 RA x 1
LG x 1 MH x 1
GL x 1 Quad
PG x 1
RG x 1
Tdm map made for Maverick's Quake III mapping Competition 3.
* How to run it *
Place Q3shw27.pk3 in your quake3/baseq3 directory.
In game go to console and type 'map Q3shw27'
Map is also avaible via 'skirmish' menu.
* My other work *
To check my other custom levels and other work go visit:
* BiG Thx for: *
- Id software - for Quake.
- Ydnar ( for qmap2
- - for great textures sources
- Maverick (**email removed**) from NoGhost (**invalid URL**) - for organizing Quake III mapping
- Sponsors, who donated great prizes for competition
- Sock ( for textures
* Copyright / Permissions: *
One or more textures on this map have been created with images from These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit for more information