Datum: September 23rd 2011
Titel: Shibam
File: shibam_1.3.pk3
Autor: Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
Email: daengineer [at] gmx [dot] de

Shibam's name and look are based on a desert city in Yemen; but some high-tech
elements can also be found. I wanted to achieve two things with this map I
was unable to combine until now: good gameplay AND turning away from the standard
Quake 3 look. Because of this, Shibam has much more vertical gemeplay compared
to my previous maps. There are endless possibilities to get from A to B and as
few borders as possible - almost every visible place can be reached.
Map information

Tourney: Yes
Deathmatch: Yes, 2-3 players are fun
Team Deathmatch: Yes, 2on2 works well
Bot File (aas): Yes
New sound effects: Yes
New Textures: Yes
New Music: No

How to play: Place shibam_v1.2.pk3 in your baseq3 directory. The map
is selectable in the skirmish menu
Map is based on: Photos of the desert city Shibam. Only the city's
look was payed attention to, not the actual layout
Editor: GtkRadiant 1.5.0
Other tools: q3ase, Notepad, Photoshop
Known bugs: Bots don't use the jump pad behind the RL

Most textures are based on textures from Others
are edited standard Q3 textures.

The airflow texture is based on the Quake 3 firegorre texture and was
edited by sst13. Visit him on

The sound effect sound/misc/windfly.wav was taken from Quake 1.

The sound effects gatter.wav and wooden_door.wav were made by
Patrick "Scout" Schotte. Visit him on
I would like to thank...

Stefan "sst13" Scholz. I've seen the pipe system the first time in your
map "13qdm17". Many thanks for the airflow texture together with the shader
and your mapfile for a better understanding how this stuff works!

Patrick "Scout" Schotte. If you didn't help me almost every day with this
map and even contributed some brushwork and sound effects to it, Shibam
would never have been as much fun as it is now!

The members of **invalid URL** and You contributed
a lot to this map!
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2011 Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO
CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include
this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO

Datum: 23. September 2011
Titel: Shibam
File: shibam_1.3.pk3
Autor: Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
Email: daengineer [at] gmx [dot] de

Shibam basiert namentlich und optisch auf einer Wüstenstadt in Jemen.
Allerdings haben auch einige high-tech Elemente einen Weg in das kleine
Städtchen gefunden. Ich wollte mit dieser Map zwei Dinge vereinen, die
mir bisher nie wirklich gelungen sind: gutes Gameplay und die gleichzeitige
Abkehr vom ewig gleichen Quake 3 Texturset. Deshalb ist diese Map im
Gegensatz zu meinen bisherigen Maps viel vertikaler aufgebaut, besitzt
endlose Möglichkeiten, von A nach B zu kommen und soll natürlich auch primär
Spaß machen. Dem Spieler sind innerhalb des Levels nur minimale Grenzen
gesetzt, nahezu jeder sichtbare Ort kann und soll auch erreicht werden.
Map Informationen

Tourney: Ja
Deathmatch: Ja, ich würde 2-3 Spieler empfehlen
Team Deathmatch: Ja, 2on2 funktioniert gut
CTF: Nein
Bot File (aas): Ja
Neue Soundeffekte: Ja
Neue Texturen: Ja
Neue Musik: Nein

Starthinweis: Die shibam_v1.2.pk3 muss ins baseq3 Verzeichnis
kopiert werden und kann dann über das Skirmish
Menü ausgewählt werden

Basiert auf: Fotos der Wüstenstadt Schibam. Dabei wurde jedoch
nur der Stil umgesetzt, nicht der tatsächliche Aufbau
der Stadt
Editor: GtkRadiant 1.5.0
Andere Programme: q3ase, Notepad, Photoshop
Bekannte Bugs: Bots benutzen das Jumppad hinter dem RL nicht

Ein Großteil der Texturen basiert auf Texturen von
Ein paar der benutzten alten Quake 3 Texturen wurden farblich von mir
angepasst, um in den Stil der Map zu passen.

Die Textur für den Luftstrom in der Röhre basiert auf der firegorre
Textur aus Quake 3 und wurde von sst13 erstellt. Seine Homepage kann
unter gefunden werden.

Der Soundeffekt sound/misc/windfly.wav stammt aus Quake 1.

Die Soundeffekte gatter.wav und wooden_door.wav wurden von
Patrick "Scout" Schotte erstellt. Sein Blog kann unter gefunden werden.

Ich richte meinen Dank an...

Stefan "sst13" Scholz. Das Röhrensystem, das den Spieler zur Red Armor
befördert, habe ich erstmals in deiner Map "13qdm17" gesehen. Vielen Dank
für deine Luftstromtextur samt Shader sowie das map file zum besseren

Patrick "Scout" Schotte. Wenn du mir nich nahezu täglich mit Rat und Tat zu
dieser Map beigestanden und hier und da auch mal etwas Brushwork beigesteuert
hättest, wäre sie bei Weitem nicht einmal ansatzweise so gut geworden, wie sie
letzten Endes ist. Nicht zu vergessen die beiden Soundeffekte, ohne die
ich wirklich aufgeschmissen wäre. Vielen Dank dafür!

Die Mitglieder von **invalid URL** und Ihr habt ein
gutes Stück zu dieser Map beigetragen!
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2011 Victor "DaEngineer" Karp
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at NO
CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include
this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO

== Shibam ======================================================
== A Quake III Arena map by Victor „DaEngineer“ Karp ===========
== Visit for more information ==

== Shibam v1.3 ==

• wrong textures at the crane
• ugly shadows cast by the jump pad at the jump pad hall's exit

• stair at the YA is damaged
• stair at the RA is damaged
• the wooden stair's steps are crooked
• replaced PG with GL
• area around the city gate is darker
• removed weak lights at the stairs aside the mosque
• the URL to my blog has a wooden frame

== Shibam v1.2 ==

• it’s no longer possible to get stuck when running down the wooden planks in front of the city gate
• some misaligned and wrong scaled brush faces
• even more surfaces the player can't see anyway were not textured with caulk
• the external aas map has been cleaned up a lot
• hard light edge above the RA tunnel's entrance due to mixing regular and phong shaded textures

• this changelog and credit for the sound effects in the readme
• there are rumors that an easter egg has found it's way to the desert town...
• the URL of my blog has been added as a decal
• additional bricks in the city gate's gap

• decreased the brightness of the firebowl's light entities at the entrances to the jump pad hall as well as the lights of the two firebowls near the RA to reduce bright spots when playing with r_overbrightbits 1

== Shibam v1.1 ==

• lots of surfaces the player can't see anyway were not textured with caulk
• sloppy placed or missing clip brushes
• really bad brushwork in some areas. Not noticeable, but results in a cleaner BSP and less polys
• the camera entity for the spectator mode was placed outside the playing area
• corrected one misplaced and thus useless hint brush
• one brush was textured with slick instead of nodrop
• wrong texture scale at the archway near the MH
• it’s no longer possible to collide with the underside of angled clip brushes inside the RG tower
• when approaching the RA tunnel’s entrance from above (e.g. by rocket jumping) the player was thrown against the wall above the tunnel endlessly instead of getting drawn in. This has been fixed by adjusting a clip brush
• removed one unnecessary brush as well as an entity iside the RA tunnel

• the archway above the MH is partly destructed now. This allows jumping directly from the balcony above the shard group to the MH without hitting the inner city wall
• raised the lowest floor (the one with the Quad) by 16 units which results in no falling damage when dropping down from the first level
• added a stair at the YA leading from YA to the tower's socket
• added a stair at the socket’s RA facing side
• added a jump pad behind the Rocket Launcher to connect 1st and 2nd floor. Two spawn points needed to be moved
• at the RG tower's backside there's a button now. Push it, and a door at the tower's front will open for a couple of seconds. This door will lead you to the tower's inside. You can get the RG from there just as if you'd taken the teleporter. While the door is opened, the teleporter will be closed by lowering poles
• multiple weak lights to light up the narrow stair aside the mosque and the mosque’s front
• added a nodrop brush to the RG tower’s bottom

• replaced Shotgun on the balcony with a Plasmagun and bullets at the teleporter with cells. Removed SG ammo at the basket-stair and placed cells on the new stair aside it
• removed clay pots to clear the new walkway to the stair at the YA
• slightly broadened the walkway along the four firebowls
• decreased the brightness of the firebowl's light entities to reduce bright spots when playing with r_overbrightbits 1
• added 3 small health's in each jump pad tunnel and removed 2 small health bubbles above the left bazaar. Removed the middle one of the 5 armor shards
• wooden frames under items are now depending on the item type. Shards, 5HP and 25HP bubbles have rectangular frames, armor, MH and Quad have octagonal ones. Frames are below every health and armor item now, and the texture has been changed from the standard Q3 wood texture to Shibam's wood texture
• redesigned the teleporter to the RG tower's bottom
• significantly increased the distance to the top skybox brushes. Jumping around with quad damage is just too much fun to prevent it artificially
• changed some lines of the skybox shader to improve lighting
• the plank in front of the mosque no longer lies in a straight line from window to window. Instead, it has become a ramp to allow travelling up to the right window from the stairs‘ foot aside the mosque

• bots don’t use the jump pad behind the RL
