Manic Depression
Author: Henrik"StjartMunnen"Bjork(Anomali Level Design)
Date: 2009 02 27
mailadress: **email removed**
Bsp name: anodm4.bsp
Map name: Manic Depression
Constuction time: 10 days in a months time
Compile time: 50 min
Tools: GTKRadiant 1.4, q3map2Toolz ,PSP
compiling system: AMD 3000+ 64 bit,2.5GB ddr,NVIDIA GeForce 7800 gt 256 mb
Gametype: FFA, TEAM
Recommended playerload: 3-10(recommended 5-7)
Botsuport: Yes
Items/Weapons: 2 RL, 1 RG, 2 SG, 1 LG, 1 PG, 1 GL, 1 RA, 1 YA, 5 armourshards,
6 health, 1 health(large), 1 health(mega), 2 health(small),
Spawns: 23
New sounds: No
New texture: Various
New models: No
Thanks to:

ID software For a great game! For a wonderful forum.Thanks to all who helped me at the forum.
Levelmakers is by far the greateast source of inspiration to
me when it comes to mapping.( **invalid URL**) Keeping the scene alive Keeping the scene alive

Myth Betatesting
phantazm11 Betatesting
Anwulf Betatesting
Shazooo Betatesting
SolidFake Betatesting
N00bster L4D Ownage!

Everyone who had something nice to say about the map.



Hope you like it

Signing of

