The Rage
"The Rage" - For Quake III Arena (Tourney / Deathmatch)
by Ian "Foralarx" Wilson
Address: **email removed**
MapNames: fora_rage & fora_rage_q3
Title: The Rage

Description: This is a remake of ZTN's The Rage (ZTN2DM3). It is not a faithful remake
as item loading and a few structural changes have been made to improve the game play
for quake 3. Included in the pk3 is an alternative textured version of the map.
The Fora_Rage map is designed with CPM in mind as it contains a green armour. The green
armour is replaced in the alternate textured version with a normal health ball.
Additional Credits:

Thanks to:

My two Daughters Kerry and Bronach. Thanks for taking an interest.
A massive shout out to the guys on the Quake3world Level Editing Forums:-
v1l3, Fjoggs, dichtfux, Foo, evillair, APM, roughrider, pjw, obsidian.
for their feedback and design suggestions and the encouragement.
ZTN for making the original map

Acknowledgement of the tutorials I've used:-
Bubba for his excellent tutorials:- **invalid URL**
Donkey also for his excellent tutorials:- **invalid URL**

Aknowledgements for the content I have used in these maps:-


A huge shout to evillair for the texture sets:-
EQ2, With A Couple of borrowed textures from
Evillair Texture Sets 2 & 5.

Id Software. All textures are Id originals.

If I've missed you I sincerely apologise, it was entirely unintentional I can assure you.
Map Instructions:

Unzip map_dm-fora_rage.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/directory.
Launch game and go into the skirmish option and scan for levelshot or load up your favourite
flavour in the multiplayer screen and frag till hearts content, or just look round for
something new and shiny :)
Base: New level from scratch.
Editor Used: GTKRadiant 1.4, Q3Map2Toolz
Known Bugs: Erm.....
Copyright and Permissions:

Please feel free to pilage and plunder as you see fit, just and long as you
give me the credit for what ever you use it for. That's all I ask!

(c) Copyright 2006 Ian Wilson
