Golgotha Core
February 28, 2000
Title : Golgotha Core

Filename : jk_tourney1.bsp

Author : Jerry Keehan
aka "PowZeR"

Email Address : **email removed**

Website : **invalid URL**

***** Special Thanks****

Tim Willits for his comments and suggestions on JK_TOURNEY1;

"JK_TOURNEY! -- If you are a fan of 1 on 1 tournament play, this map is a must have.
Built in a classic Quake3 Arena style JK_TOURNEY1 delivers fast paced exciting deathmatch.
I highly recommend it."

-Tim Willits

Lead Level Designer, Id Software

***** Additional Thanks*****



***** Construction *****

Editor used : QERadiant build 181
Known Issues : 1) Low framerate around the "Core" area (system dependant)
2) Bots sporadically have trouble navigating
Build time : approx 4-5 weeks
Bot support : Yes

***** System/Level Specs *****

CPU/RAM : Celeron 400(o/c'd 450)/256
Video : GeForce (SDRAM)
Lowest Framerate : 29fps @ 1024x768 32bit, full detail
Highest Framerate : 92fsp @ 1024x768 32bit, full detail


***** How to use the .pk3 *****

1. Unzip and copy jk_tourney1.pk3 to your baseq3 directory
2. Select via the SKIRMISH menu under: "Free For All" or "Tournement" for the single player game
against bots and anyone else for that matter:) or, at the console type "/map jk_tourney1"
3. Enjoy!!


***** Copyright / Permissions *****

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This map, jk_tourney1.bsp (Golgotha Core) is (c) by PowZeR, 2000.
You may distribute this .BSP FREELY via internet, provided you include this .TXT file
and leave the archive intact. If you'd like to use this .BSP or the contents of the .pk3
file in any way, please contact me via E-Mail.
