Burning Hate
Title : Burning Hate

Date of release : 22nd February 2000

Files : - Hate.pk3 :

Author : Martin Schultz
(or DiSTuRBeD for fragging)

Email address : **email removed**
please mail me if you play this, let me know what you think!
(don't write about bugs, or I'll propably get the same report
from 50 people:). After all, you havent paid anything for this,
(or you've been ripped off, and me too), so send some words.

Homepage : **invalid URL**

Description : DM map for Quake 3 Arena. Works very well for
2v2 and 3v3 teamplay and 4-6 player FFA.

Ey, try to find the easter egg, if you do, let me
know! (it's not one of those cool looking ones =( )

Other maps by author : Q2DM - The Seventh Hour
Q2DM - Hells Angels' Playgrounds
Q2SP - Strogg Weapon Plant
Q2SP - Strogg Weapon Plant 2 - Escape
HLDM - The Labs
HLSP - The Evil World (otherwise known as Castle)
Q3A Tourney : mstourney1 - Castle of Insanity
Q3A Tourney : mstourney2 - No Remorse

Base : New level from scratch

Editors used : Q3Radiant

Known Bugs : Yea right...

Build Time : 'bout a week on and of (mostly off =)

Compile machine : PII233 288mb ram

Compile time : 27 minutes

-< Installing\running >-

Extract "map_hate.pk3" into your "quake 3 arena\baseq3" directory.

Start the game, bring down the console ('~') and type in "map hate"
OR the easy way, just find it on the 'start server' or 'skirmish' menu.

-< Thanks to: >-

ID Software - for makin' the games that gods play...
Erlend "Crusher" Olsen - Some good advice and Ideas, helping to find some bugs
Neil Manke - For just making f***ing great maps!
Q3 Workshop - For their great tutorials
Quake3mods.com - For the best curve tut EVER =)

-< Legal Shit >-

This BSP may be distributed ONLY via the Internet and/or BBS
systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or
distribute it in any way without my permission. You may NOT alter
the content of this archive in any way without my permition!

This BSP may be used on magazine cover CD's ONLY if i recieve a
free copy of the magazine with the cd. You have to e-mail me for the
