Bitter Space
by poub

B I T T E R S P A C E - M A P B Y B O S S - R E A D M E


* Map Information *

Title : Bitter Space
Filename : bo3dm10.pk3
Author : Raphael "b o s s" Scholz
Email Address : **email removed** (old but working)
Misc. Author Info : Nationality: France/Germany - Age: 19
Description : Quake 3 Arena Space map


* Play Information *

Game : Quake III Arena
Bot support : Yes (but the map design makes botplay extremely bad)
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Player Count : 2-6 should be best

Player Spawns : 3 on each big platform, 2 on each small platform, none on quad-platform = 10 Player Spawns

* Construction *

Base : from scratch. The idea of making a map with just rust-textures haunted me since I saw the flagrun
in "Bitter Dungeons" performed by Knossos in the OPCpromo4-movie. I *love* the style of "Bitter Dungeons".

Editor used : Radiant 2.02
Other Utilities : WinAmp for music :)
Known Bugs : none

Construction Time : two days
Compile time : it took FUCKING 14 hours for fullvis -light -extra :(
Compile machine : TB 1GHz, 256 SD-RAM, GeForce 2 GTS Pro
Brush count : 1000

* Items *

Armor/Health : 1 Mega Health, 1 Red Armor, 1 Yellow Armors
Weapons : 2 Rocket Launchers, 2 Railguns, 1 Grenade Launcher.


* Miscellaneous *

BOTs : They don't jump over pits = They don't go get main Railgun + They have BIG problems with map navigation.

General : As I said, I wanted to do a rust-map like Bitter Dungeons. So when I had some ideas about space-map platforms,
I went ahead collecting rust-textures and using them. Besides, I like "alternative" mapdesign leaving the
For example platypus (nunuk), cht2 (-cha0s-), sparth (nunuk) and minima (bengal) are such maps.

Technical : As usual, I first built everything and caulked only as the brushwork was done. This may not be the most
effective way to do maps though, I know. I used 7 "real" textures overall - without \liquids, \common, \sfx and \sky.
As I know texture count is crucial to most competitions, but using very few textures is also something I
use to do anyway.

Greets : zeus

All who read my frag-faq on, you know who you are ;)

GREETS GO OUT TO ALL FPS-PLAYERS OUT THERE!!!! All promode players, all osp players, all cs players, hf.

today is thursday, 26/December/2002 8:00 pm


Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH
NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT

This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my WRITTEN permission.

Quake III Arena (C) 1999 id Software. All rights reserved.

