Title : Derkesthai's Domain
Date : 10/21/00
Filename : axzctf1
Author : Derkesthai, Overlord of AXZ - Publisher SmOk-eJ (cause no one would put these maps out to be reviewed)
Email Address :
Additional Credits to : id for obvious reasons, AXZ: Devine Intervention for the webpage,
: Rockeye for aesthetic advice, Sexual Actions for the really lame
: suggestions that might be featured in some future maps, and
: QuickDeath, for taking his apathy elsewhere.
: And I'd also like to thank Threewave because they have nice
: textures.

1 ) Copy map-axzctf1.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory
2 ) Start Quake3
3 ) axzctf1 will be accessable from the menu

* Play Information *

Play it how you like it. I don't care. If you don't like it don't play it. Oh yeah... Threewave map-pak... this map uses some textures from that.

* Construction *

Once again, I don't care; why should you?

* Other Info *
Okay, there is stuff in the ceiling of the "quad room". Shoot over the two side pillars and health will fall. They will respawn on the pillars after they have been freed. Above quad is invisibility. This can be reached by a rocket jump without quad. Above invisibility is the BFG. This can be reached either by a quad rocket jump or by rocket jumping to the lip of the door, waiting for it to close, and then rocket jumping again. If you're trying to get the BFG in a real game, just be sure not to miss.

* Legal Stuff *

This level is (c) 2000 AXZ
release date: 31st of Dec 1999.
Quake3Arena CTF lvl .

title: Derkesthai's Domain
file: axzctf1.pk3
author: Derkesthai
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
description: Ctf/3wave map created for 4-4 and up to 8-8
:o so fun and different.

play information

tourney: no
deathmatch: no
team deathmatch: no
CTF: yes Great for 4-4 up to 8-8
Bot File (aas): yes

how to play: place axzctf1.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
hit ~
type \map axzctf1
type \addbot <botname> <skill>
hit ~ (to clear the console


place axzctf1.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
start server and chose map from menu.

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 1999

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN

Title : Sexual's Frustration
Date : 1/20/01
Filename : axzctf2
Author : Derkesthai, Overlord of AXZ - Publisher SmOk-eJ (cause again no one would get this map reviewed and out to the community)
Email Address : **email removed**
Additional Credits to : id for obvious reasons, AXZ: Devine Intervention for the webpage,
: Rockeye for aesthetic advice, Sexual Actions for the really lame
: suggestions that might be featured in some future maps, and
: QuickDeath, for taking his apathy elsewhere.
: And a special thanks to the people of Threewave, without
: which this map would not exist. Also to the maker of Bobtoolz
: for the kick-ass Autocaulking...

1 ) Copy map-axzctf2.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory
2 ) Start Quake3
3 ) axzctf2 will be accessable from the menu

* Play Information *

This is a map for Q3 CTF or 3wave. Do not use with Diablo II, may cause burns. Threewave map pak would be a good idea unless you like to pretend you're on the holo-deck.

* Construction *

All I know is it will look like a holo-deck if you don't have the Threewave mappack. They used some really nice textures. Fine, complain about my lack of texturing, I don't care, I like it that way. As for actually constructing the map? Well, if you have questions email me... I know even less about map construction than you do, probably. Oh, and this map is autocaulked... if that decreases your viewing enjoyment, thats too damn bad.

* Other Info *

Okay, when I first released the map I was asked by a lot of people how the BFG could be procured. (Well, none of them used that exact term, but you get the idea.) Now, normally I think it would be more frustrating not knowing, but as I know no one will read this text file, I'll say this: YOU CAN'T GET THE BFG. YOU CAN'T GET THE POWERUPS IN THE GLASS BOXES.

* Legal Stuff *

This level is (c) 2000 AXZ

title: sexual's Frustration
file: axzctf2.pk3
author: Derkesthai
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
description: Ctf/3wave map created for 4-4 and up to 8-8
:o so fun and different.

play information

tourney: no
deathmatch: no
team deathmatch: no
CTF: yes Great for 4-4 up to 8-8
Bot File (aas): yes

how to play: place axzctf2.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
hit ~
type \map axzctf2
type \addbot <botname> <skill>
hit ~ (to clear the console


place axzctf2.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3arena
start server and chose map from menu.

Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 1999

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of
id Software, Inc.

This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
