Build: 37
Date: 5/2 2000
Gametype: Deathmatch, possibly team DM.
Bsp time: 30 min
--- Description ---
This is my latest contribution to the wonderful world of Q3 maps: A warehouse.
Loaded with weapons, ammo and portals. Watch out for the little green buttons!
--- Copyright ---
The contents of this PK3 file are copyright 2000 Wilhelm Svenselius. You may freely use the included textures and shaders for your own map, but don't be a lameass and say you made them.
--- Credits ---
Author: Wilhelm Svenselius [**email removed**]
Using: Q3Radiant 1.0 beta build 181
Thanks to: [iZ] and Rungy for some of the shaders, and tutorials.
Also **invalid URL** and **invalid URL**
--- What's new ---
Nuthin. Build 37 is the first public release.