Title : Cross Bouncing
Release date : v1: 1st March 2K
v2: 1st Juli 2K
1st June q3_hfpak
File name : crossb.bsp
Author : hell<>fire
Email Address : **email removed**
Map info : My first attempt at using Q3Radiant and building
Q3A maps. I got the Idea from a friend, but I had
the knowledge with Q3Radiant.
Inspiration : Inspired by some of my favorite maps "Longest Yard"
"Bouncy Map"
Additional Informtion : The "made in Germany" sign is meant as a quality sign for my map
and NOT as a racism or neonazi developed material!!!
Thanks to : id Software Q3A.
BOB alias "OO|BP" for the basic idea
Player Load : more than 12 will be 2 much
New Textures : Yes (w/mx286)
New Models : No
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
Bot Support : Yes
Arena file included!
Editor used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : I havenĀ“t found one, yet.
If you found any bugs mail it to me
Build Time : about 2 month
Compile Machine : Athlon TB 1000@1260 w/384MB
Compile Times : BSP
Light -extra
AAS -optimized
Unzip the map-hfpak.zip (if you haven't already) into your baseq3 directory.
Load the game and type /map crossb in the console to play.
Where to get this map:
**invalid URL**
You are allowed to redistribute this level via electronic media such as the
Internet, and free of charge. Any commercial use without permission is
Title : Steelworks 2046 A.D.
Release date : v1: 16.11.2K
v2: 27.01.2001
File name : mx286.bsp
Author : hell<>fire"
Email Address : **email removed**
Map info : My second Q3 map. I built the map with a good idea,
a scrath from a school-book and a large bottle of tea
with a larger addition of rum. ;)
I made some new shader scripts.
Inspiration : I found some interesting drawings in a school-book
and I decided to try a technical themed map like "Deva Station"
and "The Dredwerkz"
Other maps from me : Cross Bouncing, a q3dm17 like map. Some Platforms in the void.
Additional Informtion : The "made in Germany" sign is meant as a quality sign for my map
and NOT as a racism or neonazi developed material!!!
Thanks to : id Software Q3A.
Player Load : 1 on 1 (max 4)
New Textures : Yes
New Shader : Yes
New Models : No
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
Bot Support : Yes
Arena file included!
Editor used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : The Bots fail to get the Megahealth and they don't
enter the red chamber.
Build Time : 4 weeks
Compile Machine : Athlon TB 1000@1260 w/384MB
Compile Times : BSP 10s
FullVis 4s
Light -extra 3h 9m 34s
AAS -optimized 1m 40s
Unzip the map-hfpak.zip (if you haven't already) into your baseq3 directory.
Load the game and type /map mx286 in the console to play.
Where to get this map:
**invalid URL**
You are allowed to redistribute this level via electronic media such as the
Internet, and free of charge. Any commercial use without permission is