Title, Author : TecH TeRRoR II
- a Quake 3 map -
MiKe "MaGiC-WaLkEr" Neuhoff
Filename : Mw3Tourney1A.pk3
File size : 2.35 MB
Description : I really like this map but there where some
bug'z and the fps could be better so i made
a new version of TT.Not much visual changes
but the fps are alot better :)
Homepage : **invalid URL**
Editors Used : Q3Radiant
Compile Machine : Pentium III 933 / 256 MB RAM
Compile Time : around 5MIN
Installation : just copy the Mw3Tourney1A.pk3 in your /quake3/baseq3 directory...
Credits : Special thanx 2 bass and mangel [:P] for letting me
host my website on the henslfuk site :))
and offcourse evil lair thanx for your great textures !!!
--**invalid URL**
and 2 evryone who downloaded my map and plays it.