The 28th of April, 2002
" Bad Behavior "

Title : Bad Behavior
Filename : kmdm3.PK3
Author : Christopher (killer) Miller
Email Address : **email removed**

Description : A Quake3 map for DM and Teamplay.

Thanks to : The gang at humongous, My wife Clare, and the quake 3 forums.


* Play Information *

Free For All : yes (2 to 6 players)
Teamplay : yes (2/2, 3/3, or 4/4) it's up to you :)
New Sounds : no
New Graphics : no
New Music : No
Bot Support : yes (.aas file included)

* Construction *

Base : New level from scratch.
Editor used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : None that I know of

Build Time : a week not including playtesting and compliling

Compile machine : sony vaio, 1.8ghz p4


* How to play this .PK3 *

1. Unzip kmdm3.PK3 straight into your 'baseq3' directory under your Quake3 Arena directory.

2. Start Quake3, from the main menu select hit: ` then type: /map kmdm3 [Enter]

* notes *

Questions and/or comments about bad behavior...
E-mail me
**email removed**

Check out my other maps "Air King"
and "The Last Stand" at.....
**invalid URL**
all of my maps can be found on lvl. in the mappers section under Chris Miller

wasted space
the last stand
midnights possession


* Copyright / Permissions *

QUAKE3 Arena(R) is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

This map (Bad Behavior) is (c) by Christopher killer Miller, 2000.
You may distribute this .PK3 (kmdm3.PK3) freely via internet, provided you include this .txt file
and leave the archive intact. If you'd like to use this .PK3 file (kmdm3.PK3) in any other way,
please contact me via E-Mail. If you let me know and give me a credit,
I'll probably give you the permission to use.
