Crossed World
by uoz
Title : Crossed World
Filename :
Author : Germano "uoz" Guerrini
E-mail : **email removed**
Web Site : **invalid URL**
Description : Quake III: Team Arena level

* Play Information *

- Unzip the contents of to your Quake3\missionpack folder
- Run Quake III: Team Arena
- From the main menu select PLAY then STARTSERVER.
Configure your match with bots and then select the map from the list.

* Description *

Game type : CTF, Oneflag CTF, Harvester, Overload
Player load : 4vs4, 5vs5
Respawn spots : 8 per team
New Graphics : Some modified textures and shaders.
Known bugs : None

* Note *

After beta testing I've decided to set 10 seconds for the Proximity Launcher to respawn: this could help to avoid abuse of mines.
There is a secret room in each base: try to find it!

* Credits *

- Bario for testing and suggestions
- Dviant, phooka and all the other guys at Quake3world Forums for beta testing
- Dave Matthews for his music

* Copyright / Permissions *

This package may only be distributed by means of electronic transfer,
free of any charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way.
All the files included in the original package must remain intact and

This package may not be distributed on any CD-ROM, nor be
used on a commercial multi-player server without the prior,
explicit written consent of the author.
