Time Machine

[ ]
Title : Time Machine
Filename : ra3techx.bsp
Author : Tim Hurley [Techx]
eMail : **email removed**
Website : **invalid URL**
Description : Q3: Rocket 3 Arena / CPMA Map
Arenas : 3-[1v1/2v2], 1-[CA], 1-[INTRO]

[Multi-Arena Information ]

New sounds : Yes [see Credits]
New graphics : Yes [see Credits]
New music : No
New models : Yes [see Credits]

[Construction ]

Base : Built from scratch.
Finish Date : [9/13/2001]
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant build202/GTK 1.1
Known Bugs/Problems : None Really.

Build Time : Work in progress for about a year on & off
in between work & school :) God thats too long Heh..
Compiling Time : Fullvis light extra - ~24 Hours

MAP NOTES : I would like to mention here that my third arena which
is called "New York City" was created about a year ago.
I became worried that this arena might not be appropriate
due to our recent terroist attacks so I made a post:
**invalid URL**
and basically asked the ra3/mapping community what their
opinions where in this matter and they told me to release it
the way it is, so I am. As SgtGhost put it "Lets not mix up
games and reality" and he is correct. I feel very horrible
about the lives lost and the pain felt by all families involved.
I do not intend to upset anyone by anything in this map and if I
do then I am sorry. - Techx

[Credits ]
Intro Room
Textures: iD, Texture FX: **invalid URL**
modified iD tex & shaders, misc. tex found on the net.
Senn's ra3map2 waterfall shader.
Sounds: iD, Misc sounds found on the internet.

Textures: iD, modified iD Tex & others found on net.
Sounds: iD, Dino sound found on free wav sites.
Models: PlantPack.zip by Natestah - **email removed**
multiplant.zip by Todd Gantzler @ i.am/professorQ3

Ancient Egypt
Textures: iD, modified Egyption Textures found on the net,
Sand Texture "sand_02.jpg" from Mr. Clean's 'mrcleantex_2' texture
pack [**invalid URL**]
Sounds: iD
Models: egypt.pk3 - .md3, texture, and shader files by
Todd Gantzler Copyright (c) 2001

New York
Textures: iD, Evil6 Texture Pack by Evil Lair
Skybox: John Staats "Mr. White" @ **email removed**
Found @ **invalid URL**
Sounds: iD, Chopper sound found on free wav sites.

EarthCore Space Station
Textures: iD, Evil5 And Evil6 Texture Packs by Evil Lair, modified free Textures found on the net
Skybox: Mighty Pete **invalid URL**
Found @ **invalid URL**
Sounds: iD, Misc sounds found on free wav sites.
Models: Evil's Teleporter "el_tele.zip" by Evil Lair

Special Thanks to Yves Allaire aka "Evil Lair" for his amazing textures
Evils website: **invalid URL**
Evils Email: **email removed**

Also Thanks to:
David "crt" Wright, Big Ones, and the ra3 team, id, Sgt Ghost, Kabal, ^Ian, Geit, Tumi
Slob, blaise, Clan POT, Clan LoK, Clan X.13, everyone at Q3W forums & all the guys at Mahq :D

[Distribution / Copyright / Permissions ]

Copyright (c) 2001 Tim Hurley [Techx]
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
This map may not be distributed on CD or other media for profit without
consent of the author. Other means of distribution must include this .txt
file, and may not be modified in any way.

This file is provided by the author "as is", and any express or implied
warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In
absolutely no event shall the author be liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but
not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of
use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on
any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of
the information herein contained, even if advised of the possibility of
such damage.
