Night of Full Moon
Title : Night of Full Moon
BSP Name : dae3tourney1.bsp
Author : Daemion
Release Date : August 25, 2001
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3 arena
Description : Tourney level for q3.

Thanks for betatesting:

Shallow[BAP], pjw, Anwulf, ButterB, Foo (from mapping forum)
toe_tag, Shallow[BAP] (from **invalid URL** posts)
TR_Rebel, darqrad, nanoSpawn (from **invalid URL** forums)

This level was made using textures from these packs:
-Meatpack 1 & 2,

Other stuff :Tell me if you review this level, if you put it on a server, or if you have
any feedback.
* MAP Information *

New Textures : Find them! :D
New Shaders : well, this is the first and last time i pick up a texture pack and use it
before knowing if it has already shaders made. There are some shaders
made by me, although many of them just copy parameters from q3 shaders.

* Copyright / Permissions *
All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, ftps)
but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money.
If u paid to get this, then u got totally riped off! =)
Explicit permission is required to distribute this level on a CD-ROM.
