Title : "Duckhunt", "Duckhunt DOOM!" and "Duckhunt VR!"
Release number : 1
Date : 30 june 2015
Original release date : 30 june 2015
Filename : ep_duckhunt.pk3
Author : Eraser
Email Address : eraesr [at] gmail [dot] com
Description : Three single player maps for use with the EntityPlus mod
Mods required : EntityPlus v1.1.6
- Play Information -
This map requires version 1.1.6 of the EntityPlus mod.
Get it at github.com/TheEngi...tion/EntityPlus
The maps in this mappack all mimick the gameplay style of the famous NES game
Duckhunt. The three maps are different flavors of the same thing. Where the
original "Duckhunt" map uses assets that look like Duckhunt, the "Duckhunt
DOOM!" version looks like the id Software classic Doom and the "Duckhunt Holo!"
version looks like a grid-based, 80's inspired holographic VR experience.
All three maps play exactly the same. They only differ visually.
Points are scored by damaging enemies as usual in EntityPlus, but an actual
kill nets you a bonus 20 points. The maps last for 60 seconds after which
the scoreboard is shown. The red dots on the floor indicate the time remaining.
Each dot represents 10 seconds. Obviously, you cannot move around the map.
Since you cannot die, the difficulty level has little influence on the
actual difficulty of the map. Enemies might be slightly more difficult to
actually kill in one shot (on easy they have 6 health, on nightmare 14, which
is more damage than a single shotgun pellet deals), you do get a score bonus
in EntityPlus depending on your difficulty level. Playing below the medium
difficulty level therefore seems pointless (enemies have 10 health on medium,
enough to get killed by a single shotgun pellet).
Shooting the dog, Hellknight or Pinky demon does not offer any rewards. The
Hellknight cannot harm you, even though it shoots a bolt of plasma.
There are no secrets to be found.
- Additional Information -
Both the distribution ZIP file and the PK3 itself contains the source .map
files for all three maps in the "maps" folder. These map files are
distributed under a CC BY-NC license, meaning that you can study the work,
modify the work, use it as part of another work and distribute it as a
non-commercial product as long as you give credit to the original author.
So feel free to make your own variations on this map and share those with
- Construction -
Base : From scratch
Editor(s) used : GtkRadiant 1.6
Additional Tools : Quake ToolKit, Paint.NET, Notepad++, 7zip
Textures used : Custom only.
Compile machine : Intel i7-4500U with 8GB RAM, running Windows 8.1
- Change history -
- Initial release.
- Thanks -
To YouTube user Ch4rLizard (www.youtube.com/user/Ch4rLizard) for
inspiring me to do another EntityPlus map.
- Links -
Engines of Creation - www.theenginesofcreation.com
EntityPlus - github.com/TheEngi...tion/EntityPlus
This map is ©2015 by the author and may only be distributed by electronic
means. This map may not be copied as a whole or parts of it without prior
consent by the original author.
Duckhunt is a registered trademark by Nintendo.
Doom is a registered trademark by id Software.