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@Stick Man: No, because the readme file says the pack is called: "Threewave Compilation Pak1".
I do agree about the screenshots, but videos take a lot more time, which I do not currently have :[
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Stick Man
#22 07 Jan 2013
Shouldn't the title be called "Threewave - q3wpak0"? In the rest 3wave map packs, that's how is called. And a new screenshot + a preview video would be nice.
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#21 24 May 2001
The maps where highly polishes, and very professional, and I think it was very daring to have a non-symmetric map in such a pack.
I would only crticise the originality of some maps... The item placements and layouts for some are not really very different from the first q3wctf map pack.
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#20 21 May 2001
ROFLMAO, someone took me seriously. 8 )
I was just j/k with that 'Various' comment.
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not entered
#17 20 May 2001
various are more than 1 person. I could be 10 different people from threewave.
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#16 20 May 2001
Who is this Various guy, and how does he make some many maps!?
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#15 20 May 2001
This is a great map pack, very enjoyable. The maps in it that I have played previously are improved, in looks at any rate.
I wonder how long we'll have to wait for the next release from Threewave.
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#13 19 May 2001
Johnny Law is one of the best mappers out there imo.
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#12 19 May 2001
Every comment, every post, Johny Law, takes to host...
Hey man, r u crazy? whow u do that? I am not a mapper, but are u?
Cos u'r everywhere on mapping stuff,....I wonder...U must have quality maps/or reviews
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#11 19 May 2001
The maps will also work with CCTF...they have all the rune spawns and such. The full functionality of the maps (gametype-specific weapon placement, etc.) won't take effect until id releases the new patch.
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#10 18 May 2001
Not Happy: try the following at the console;
g_gametype 4
map q3wxs1
This will load up the bonus level
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#9 18 May 2001
I must apologise to Threewave and all the mappers involved with this release. I only played the levels in Team Arena and was wondering why the pk3 wanted to be placed in the /baseq3/ folder (this should have been enough!). This is why I did not mention anything about the pack working with Q3A without Team Arena.
This map pack DOES work in both Q3A and Team Arena, with or without the Team Arena add-on.
I am sorry about not mentioning this in the original post. This had now been fixed.
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Not Happy
#8 18 May 2001
there is no bonus map in your dl
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#7 18 May 2001
These maps also work in Baseq3 CTF aswell as the Team Arena add-on.
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#6 18 May 2001
The maps are the best of the best.
BTW this pak is for Q3CTF too. Not just Q3TA.
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#5 18 May 2001
yeah... jl's right. these are vanilla ctf levels that are compatible with team arena, cctf, etc.
amazing pak. happy to see it finally out!
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Johnny Law
#4 18 May 2001
Oops... I got cause and effect mixed up. I should be blaming you for the PQ news instead of vice versa. :-)
Anyway that's enough about that. Did I mention these are neat maps?
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Johnny Law
#3 18 May 2001
Oh, I see what the deal is... the PlanetQuake front page news misreported it. Gah. I hope that doesn't affect these maps getting onto Q3CTF servers.
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Johnny Law
#2 18 May 2001
These will be cool TA maps once the Point Release is out... until then there are some item problems.
Really though they are first and foremost Q3CTF maps, I'm a bit surprised to see them categorized as TA maps and Q3CTF not even mentioned. (?)
Anyway a mix of good and great maps, every Q3CTF and TA player should get em.
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#1 18 May 2001
Congrats to all involved. Every map in here is of the highest quality. Can't wait to see these on servers.
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