Might as well I guess. Thanks,
Edited: 24 Aug 2010 AEST
This map does have some item placement problems, as I had only just begun thinking conceptually about entity gameplay and domination was not something I was directly familiar with.
I had my heart set on the placement of the RA and the RL from the beginning which, in retrospect, was the cause of most of my problems. The upper bridge is not as useful as I imagined, and the haste was forced into a slightly odd spot.
There are also some connectivity problems, if not missed opportunities, that could have incorporated the bridge more and improved flow. Something like a drop from the bridge to the PG or, at the other end, leading to the RA instead of the 50, would have been worth experimenting with.
So after getting a couple of fresh perspectives I have a lot of new ideas, but perhaps it would be better to learn from these and move on to new projects rather than continue to fiddle around with this first release. Overall, I'm content with how things turned out.
p.s. One thing I forgot to mention in the readme was that the title is a reference to the DMB song by the same name.