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as far as Q3Tourney3 remakes go this is fun to play on and worth a go. I've scored it low because I can't really give the author credit for the patch file and id's original level design as well as the criticisms contained in the review which are all fair.
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The bots on this map will crowd around the rocket launcher, making for a fun experience with many bots. "See how long you can survive the RL area" type of deal.
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#14 13 Dec 2001
Kit, quote from my previous post: "Figuring out all the bloody files I'd have to copy isn't worth it imho". I know what you mean, but that would drag all my baseq3 files and mods along. Anyways, on the subject of the map, I stand by my review, but am sorry for missing those errors. The clip brush one sounds nasty :-
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#13 12 Dec 2001
Glad to see you in action again, old friend! Really like the map - it´s a cool tribute. And it´s quite dangerous in some places... Just how it should be!
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Kit Carson
#12 12 Dec 2001
Octovus: u don't need to install from CD, only copy and paste your quake3 folder.
Excelsiore: when i RocketJump over the jumpads i reach the top of the lateral NOCLIP brushes and i can move around like a bird:), your Clip brushes don't "touchin" the sky, i guess:)
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#11 12 Dec 2001
As a mapper that definitely makes sense...and I would do it myself for testing, except I can't reaaaly afford the HD space (I know it's only half a gig or so but it still adds up), and my Q3 CD is broken. Figuring out all the bloody files I'd have to copy isn't worth it imho :- (Clarification, the CD isn't in two pieces or anything, but it's gotten scratched up from so much luvvin - and don't you dare take that the wrong way - that it can't install a certain file).
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Kit Carson
#10 11 Dec 2001
i have another Quake3 installation, perfectl clear, only with the default ID pk3.
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#9 09 Dec 2001
Ahhrrrggg..mapmedia.pk3. I knew that. Just forgot. Sorry everybody. Glad you enjoy it.
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#8 08 Dec 2001
Well, it plays better than Tounrney3...but that's not really saying much now is it? (No offense to you Excelsiore) If you are a fan of tourney3, you should have this puppy on your HD.
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#7 08 Dec 2001
mapmedia.pk3 is NOT part of the original or patched release of Q3A. Basically before releasing any pk3 to the public its a good idea to rename your scripts, levelshots and texture folders (an _ at the start is all that is needed) and move ALL pk3's except the pakX.pk3 and your own. This way you will find all problems :]
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#6 08 Dec 2001
Hmm I didn't get missing textures, I don't think. But perhaps I had another map that had them attached or something. Sorry guys!
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#5 08 Dec 2001
Cool thanx tigger-on, what did you miss im not sure Exelsiore im not used to radaint yet sorry i cant help there any way nice map..:)
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#4 08 Dec 2001
Thanks Tigger-oN, that was nice of you. What did i miss?
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#3 08 Dec 2001
I've put together a small patch file that fixes the missing textures problem. Grab it here;
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#2 08 Dec 2001
i was gonna say the same as Sgt some textures missing by the jump pads that go up to the railgun.
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#1 07 Dec 2001
Ya there are some textures missing by the jump pads and stuff.
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