Dear Scampie:
Ausgezeichnete Arbeit über das Diagramm. Es ist Spaß, aber, es gibt nicht zu erforschen viel, und wo Sie Sachen erwarten, um sich zu öffnen oder, Bewegung in irgendeiner Art Art und Weise, die sie nicht. So dort daß Esel saugt. Wie sagen Sie das auf englisch? Oder, bin ich irgendein sinnvoll seiend? Ist logisches dieses?
9 for ambience, 7 for architecture (nothing mind-blowing we haven't seen before here and exploration is limited), 7 for gameplay, 5 for innovations, 7 for concept and 3 for Scampie's literary skills.
Oh, one more thing...was dieser Geruch ist Scampie?!
Overall, it feels very weak, not horrible or anything like that, it just suffers from lots of design problems.
Each individual area looks excellant, where the map falls flat on it's face is tying them all together and making it a coherant theme. There's a bunch of nice rooms in the blue/grey techy concrete theme which look great and have nice details... and then there's a completely differant look in the railgun/megahealth room which, altho it looks just as good as all the others on it's own, completly doesn't fit in with the map. Beyond aestetic inconsistencies, the large open Red Armor/Plasma Gun area completely deviates from the other area's closer design. This area could have been easily sized down a few notches and been just as effective in being a large combat area while fitting the design of the rest of the map better.
I feel the sprawling design of the map is hurt further by the fact that most rooms are generally flat only offering a single higher area in a few of the rooms, and most of those accessible from the same area. A two floor layout like this demands a lot more work put into assuring lots of over head action, as well as give the player the ability to use the maps design to gain himself an advantageous postion.
Now, after all that critism, I'll just state it again that the looks of the areas and the attention to details is excellant. You've done a great job with the construction of the map, I just feel you'll need to put some more forethought into your future maps in terms of layout and overall theme coherancy.
to find is in polish "szukat" and in slovak it means "to fuck", so when you say "szukam psa" it means "i fuck a dog", so now be smart and dont drink at work