Together We Frag, Together We Fall
Together We Frag, Together We Fall by Munyul Verminard
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   14 Feb 2012
A very interesting name for a map :). I agree with the comment below. This map should of been a CTF map. It's designed for it and plus lots of carnage :D
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Knight Cloud unregistered
#3   21 Jun 2001
Why didn't you make a CTF map?
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q3freak unregistered
#2   21 Jun 2001
Good work, I enjoy this map. But, for my taste, its a little bit too tight on some places.
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GuitarMan unregistered
#1   20 Jun 2001
Yes, bots go for the power-ups! The problem is they don't know how to jump again...

Good level.

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