Flea Fights
Flea Fights by Charon
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#15   08 Oct 2020
Beautiful map indeed, but gameplay is missing something. Can't quite figure out what it is. Perhaps a larger central area, with more open combat.
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#14   01 Mar 2018
Beautiful map
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#13   07 Jan 2012
Outstanding gameplay.
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dOOd unregistered
#12   09 Oct 2005
1 of my favorites!
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<SuX0r> unregistered
#11   04 Mar 2002
I'm going to go with Tig on this one as he's picked out the only problems I found. Nice map, had a lot of fun dueling (sp?)on it. 8 from me. Oh yeah, looked funky. :)
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#10   20 Jun 2001
Wow! Sweet little map.

Whatever was lacking in the texture department was more than made up for in brushwork details.

Tons O' Detail and great gameplay!!! My kinda map.

Well done, Charon.

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greendeth unregistered
#9   18 Jun 2001
wow, fast game play sometimes tricky, the confusion makes for fast frags and fun!nice work charon!and thanx!
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The Hubster unregistered
#8   09 Jun 2001
Nice work Charon. Brush work and texturing is second to none - very sharp, very well done.

I have to agree with Tig about RG placement, and the only major gripe I have are the ramps - I have a personal dislike of ramps in Q3 (unless used in CPMA) and I think stairs would have been a better option.

Nevertheless, a damn fine piece of work. Congrat's.

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Pogo unregistered
#7   08 Jun 2001
This is the map to eat Oreo cookies with! Got milk?
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bYxio unregistered
#6   08 Jun 2001
Good map!

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martin unregistered
#5   08 Jun 2001
i got this from interactivedeath.net and it is class. really tight map. these geometry focussed maps have all been pretty cool.
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StormShadow unregistered
#4   07 Jun 2001
I count only 3 total textures in this entire map (minus the sky). Fantastic work for having so little to work with!
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nunuk unregistered
#3   06 Jun 2001
i was going to add "flea fights" to the competition levels page on the fragopolis. (i'm late... damit, need more time)

indeed, i also did a mistake by closing the geometry competition too soon, and therefore not be able to make this awesome level enter in time. but heck! forget about the grades! this level is just great, and it will be added anyway. the visual balance between dark and lighter texes is damn fine. the brush work is sharp and agressive. definitely original and new. bravo charon... 8o)

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^^Ch@os^^ unregistered
#2   06 Jun 2001
Another great release by charon! he's made some of my favorite maps of all time for q3, this map is outstanding for the time it took and the textures used! Nice map!
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Commander Keen unregistered
#1   06 Jun 2001
Charon3dm3 is my all time favorite map, well OK it shares a place in my list with Iron Yard, but this map is Charon's submission for a contest to use very few textures and to use the geometry of the map to add atmosphere and appearance.

I love what he has done, from the brushes that make up the floor to all the intircate triangles and shapes that make up the pattern on the walls.

Charon has always been an expert with textures so doing a map like this must have been like tying one arm behind his back and he comes through like a champ anyway.

nice work d00d :o)

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