by THS
Miniman by THS
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#21   26 Feb 2018
Good design work, not so fun to play though. Pad pulled it off much better,
not to mention runtfest, which is the best office map i believe.
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SW12 unregistered
#20   11 May 2011
@FistMarine: Actually there are two Giant-sized bathroom type maps on this site. There's Deathroom Bathroom by Requiem, and there is one in the screenshot of "Drakon13's CTF maps by Drakon13. However, its part of a map pack, so yeah.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#19   10 May 2011
@egs3: Also, besides the maps by ENTE, try any of the following:

The Damndest Thing by Tom Fritzon - 14 Mar 2000 -
Runtfest by Xzed - 17 Apr 2000 -
My Very Own Room by DoMiNiQuE - 22 Jun 2000 -
Miniman by THS - 31 Mar 2001 -
Roomdm by MopAn - 30 May 2001 -
Bouncin 'Tween Da Boxen by BadMonkey - 29 Nov 2001 -
RODEZ by SilverClem - 13 Feb 2002 -
Home of the gamer by Fiesling - 07 Mar 2002 -
POOLSHARK by seremtan - 29 Oct 2004 -
Leafland by skin[NCN]master - 15 Jul 2005 -
Nu Clear Lunch Time by Requiem - 05 May 2006 -

This may not be a full list. Maybe try the 'Browser' -> 'Screenshot' feature.

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themuffinator Rep. 1054
#18   10 May 2011
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egs3 unregistered
#17   10 May 2011
I love these mini maps. nice work!
Where can I find more like it?
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Noruen Rep. 2
#16   16 Feb 2011
One of my most favorite maps.
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robin unregistered
#15   14 Apr 2006
cool map dude keep up the good work
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gpop unregistered
#14   23 Nov 2004
oh my.. used to play this all the time.. best 4 players.. good as 2 though.. ive just refound.. ace!
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paladin unregistered
#13   05 May 2002
this map rockz hard!!! :-)

we play it very often - and as Chazmonro said: great environment for killing coworkers :P

cya and go on!

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Chazmonro unregistered
#12   16 Aug 2001
We play this map every day after work, its our favorite. Great environment for killing coworkers. Download it, its a must have for any Q3A Lover.
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Florin unregistered
#11   23 Apr 2001
I haven't had so much fun playing Q3A since "Divine Retribution" map!!!! The best way of playing it is in 2vs.2 teams! (long live the snippers!)
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crap map downloader unregistered
#10   08 Apr 2001
how bad can you get?

These maps are so budget.

Why would you even think of downloading this map?

Hmmm i would really like too look at how many times 1 ip has voted this a 9!!!

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haoa unregistered
#9   07 Apr 2001
NAIS! Long time since I've had so much fun playing q3a. LOVE IT! Download now =) =) =)
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Bretty2000 unregistered
#8   05 Apr 2001
Dude, don't listen to small guy hater. These levels rock everyone. I don't know how u couldn't like them. If you like these levels, which I do, download this map! THS did an excellent job. Also, don't listen to PADLOVER either. All these types of maps are good. Not just pad maps. Whatever, just thought I should say something for everyone who likes these maps.
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small guy hater unregistered
#7   04 Apr 2001
these levels are bad they suck hardcore. dont bother with the download
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PADLOVER unregistered
#6   03 Apr 2001
Argh, shit Mini Map...!

The PadMaps are the popularest Q3 Maps and they are the best Mini Maps only...!

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Lima_Bravo unregistered
#5   02 Apr 2001
Yes go on, download and try this novel map.

(I do enjoy exploring these novel maps) Go on, you will be impressed I think. It is fun.(did you find the BFG easily?)

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PADHATER unregistered
#4   02 Apr 2001
WOW Very Great Map!!!!!!

Most better than the last Padman Mini Map.


MINIMAN <- IN!!!!!!!!!

great !! More Maps like thiz!

but NO Padmaps!!!!!!!!!!

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$m4sher unregistered
#3   01 Apr 2001
Nice idea, really nice. I think it's really origninal.
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Bretty2000 unregistered
#2   31 Mar 2001
This map rocks! It reminds me of RuntFest. I actually like this more than RuntFest though for some reason I cant put my finger on. You have to try this map though. I love these types of maps. Miniman is definetly a keeper. Great job THS!
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PfhorSlayer unregistered
#1   31 Mar 2001

Macintosh forevah :D

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