Badlands Palace
by Sock
Badlands Palace by Sock
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#7   31 May 2022
Decent map but not a keeper. A bit too narrow for modern standards.
Update 1 year after: well well. Not a pro map but actually, quite well connected and fun!
Edited 373.71 days after the original posting.
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BiTTeR_IvY unregistered
#6   03 Jun 2002
good map, trying to get the admin to put it on my fav server for every day play!

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sock unregistered
#5   30 Mar 2001
Gonnakillya: Yeah, I re-created all the brushes in the map from scratch. Plus made a few minor changes so that the bots can play the map better. I was tempted to add a few more routes but could not because of the competition. Thanks for the comments.


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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#4   30 Mar 2001
Just had a really good TDM smackdown and I have to say the textures do look way better. Did you clean up some brushwork too? It just seemed cleaner than the original (which has found a stable home on my HDD)

Re: item placement. Everything seemed fine...I was never hunting for ammo, weapons or health. I've never seen a map with two MH before but in TDM it works.

This great map just got better. Nice work.

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sock unregistered
#3   21 Mar 2001
Thanks Nitin.

If anyone has got any feedback on the new item placement it would be appreciated, as this was the driving force behind the release of this version.



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nitin unregistered
#2   20 Mar 2001
an extremely good teamplay map.
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sock unregistered
#1   20 Mar 2001
This version was produced specifically for the Badlands competition running at the moment.

Should hopefully have some demo's of the map from the competition on my website in the next week or so.

Tigger-oN thks for the review.


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