by Geit
Slingshot by Geit
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#8   09 Apr 2010
You have to put the Kilt_texpack02.pk3 in your baseq3 folder or you will see half of the textures in the map missing. The missing texture under the rocket launcher (textures/base_floor/clangdark_ow3) can be fixed by downloading the Mapmedia.pk3 and putting it in your baseq3 folder.

The Mapmedia.pk3 can be downloaded from ..::LvL here ->;zip=mapmedia - it is about 3.5MB.


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Anonymous Cowherd unregistered
#7   12 Jul 2008
textures/base_floor/clangdark_ow3 is from the mapmedia.pk3, natch.
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CornCobMan unregistered
#6   27 Jan 2008
Interesting map but it's worth noting that there is a texture missing that isn't in the Kiltron texture pack, textures\base_floor\clangdark_ow3. It's found in rotary06 (Emerge Station)

If you had just taken the textures out of the Kiltron texture pack, the total file size would have been less than 4 Mb as opposed to 11Mb. I'm sure Kiltron wouldn't have minded if you gave him credit.

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Cendres unregistered
#5   25 Nov 2007
Half of the textures are missing...but it's an interesting map.
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J35us*PhrE3k unregistered
#4   11 Feb 2001
...perhaps a re-release with only the necessary textures.....? :)
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Kiltron unregistered
#3   10 Feb 2001
Nice job Geit.......I had fun! But you don't have to include the whole texture pack with your map...heh! :)
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ScarFace unregistered
#2   10 Feb 2001
The maps plays very well, nice for TDM and FFA matches. Geit really did not disappoint me :)
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Blitzz unregistered
#1   10 Feb 2001
Leuk mapje Geit =)

Nice map, very B-I-G tho, loads of open space, good map for large TDM or FFA matches imo

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