SW1KL by Knight Lore''FC
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#3   11 Jul 2011
This is one of those arenas where it looks as if you are about to fight a boss. That makes it good for mods like Hunt or Super Heroes Arena.
Edited 1403.25 days after the original posting.
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M4P RaD4R unregistered
#2   16 Nov 2000
Hard at first, but easy after finding the awkwardly placed quad and the railgun; However I did enjoy the big piston-thingies and the lighting effects. its kinda coo.
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M4P RaD4R unregistered
#1   16 Nov 2000
Hard at first, but easy after finding the awkwardly placed quad and the railgun; However I did enjoy the big piston-thingies and the lighting effects. its kinda coo.
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