i played one on one and had some intese momments. i dont really like the item placement though it suits the layout, and dont like all the armor:(
too much armor makes it preatty easy..
on the brightness issue.. feedback is very welcome, everyone has different video card settings so i wasn't really sure what was too bright, i'll keep this in mind next map (which is coming along pretty well i think).
as for one player being able to dominate the map, this is probably a valid criticism, however, since both players can get from anywhere to just about anywhere in about 5 seconds, mistiming the armor spawns just a little bit gives the other player a chance to get back in the game.
at least that was my theory on item placement, and why four teleporters are included in such a small map. if anyone has an opportunity to playtest against human opponents (my connect is 56K, i can't really set up a server hehe) i'd certainly welcome feedback on how it plays, and if my theory holds true or not.
btw, i have one more map in the queue waiting to be reviewed, so if you liked this one keep an eye out for it, it's called 'Upon a Cross of Gold' and is a 4-8 player DM map. bill brooks and sovereign from qw3.stomped.com/ were kind enough to beta test it, their advice helped enourmously.
I enjoyed beta testing it.
It is a blast playing touney on.
But as dagger pointed out it can be ruled by a better player.
This was brought up in beta testing but there didn't seem to be a easy fix without removing power ups.
I too cant' wait for the next map.....
I'm looking forwar to see what the mapper can do in his next map, with curves hopefully =)