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This map was excellent on vanilla Quake 3, but
awesome on the Hunt mod!
I love that little tram that speeds round the map!
The only two nitpicks I have on this map are the lack of an .arena file, and that there could have been a more logical reason why this map is a box map. Eg. Make it like a beach unreachable while the other side looks as if it never ends in a big ocean.
I'm keeping this one for sure!
Edited: 09 Aug 2012 AEST
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#17 22 Oct 2005
I like this map. A LOT! It is so cool!!!
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#16 12 Aug 2000
Hate to say it, but I didn't think much of this in practice... I'm all for people trying different themes/ideas, but this doesn't really work. The raised platforms don't feel solid enough, the water IS too shallow, it's too small - maybe this would've worked if it was all scaled up by a factor of about 3? From the screenshot I thought it looked like one of the coasters at Magic Mopuntain, but was disappointed when I played it. Sorry - I don't like to be negative about something that someone's spent time and effort on...
4/10 ( as is )
7/10 ( for the concept if it was bigger! )
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#15 06 Aug 2000
I give it a 7 for creativity points. Unfortunately, the gameplay's not exactly supreme. But the look is really far out there and original. I liked the battles in shallow water and the overall atmosphere.
Killz should use this theme again on a better design.
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#14 12 Mar 2000
Kinda wish the cable car was a bit slower, but other than that, it's a work of art. This one's a keeper - Score of 8. Can't wait to see more of his ideas.
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#13 18 Feb 2000
Why do you mapmakers always excuse yourself, this is great, Killzontherun.
I mean really great, it has become one of my favorit maps.
Gimme more of this please !!!
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#12 07 Feb 2000
I really like this maps layout, when I first saw the screens I thought "wow". This map needs either deeper or shallower water and it would rule, till then it kinda sux.
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#11 06 Feb 2000
Actually pretty fun. i gotta respect mappers who try something different.
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#10 03 Feb 2000
mess, it is. Crap for the most part!!
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not entered
#9 02 Feb 2000
THis map is crap yes,but still a little innovative!I thought I was nitpickish,but you guys are just ridiculous most of the time...this map looks better than almost all the maps most of you have made but I do agree with layout and design being a mess!
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#8 02 Feb 2000
Interesting concept- unfortunately I don't think it works well in Q3. Moving around in the water is a little odd, and when I'm at one extreme of the map and I'm running/turning around and suddenly face the other side of the map, things get a little "sloshy" because of the drastic reduction in frame rate -although I didn't experience bad fps-just the sudden change from very high to moderate- caused me to over and undercompensate for my motions. Also too difficult to maneuver in- I would imagine playing bots or people on this map you'd get more frustrated fighting against the environment just to maneuver around than concentrating attacks on your opponent.
PS- that quad must be a real challenge to grab.
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#7 02 Feb 2000
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#6 02 Feb 2000
Well, I can't seem to find the time to dload new stuff, and the nw suff I see looks so-so. Am I missing much ???
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#5 01 Feb 2000
Interesting, yes the jump pads need refinement, however if you use a litte finesse they can be fun. The poles were annoying and water a bit too deep. For a first attempt very immaginative. Can't wait to see more.
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#4 01 Feb 2000
Well the map was fun for a minute or something...
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#3 01 Feb 2000
Well, it was kind of a test map, I don't know why I released it caus it isn't any great. You can expect alot better maps from me in the future.
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#2 01 Feb 2000
Mostly Useless. You should put a VISIBLE barrier where the map ends. Also, the water is a pain in the ass and the jum pads need some refinement. It didn't run to well on my reject system either.
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#1 31 Jan 2000
reminds me of a playground =P
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