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a little too reliant on q3dm6 for the layout, just minus the quad area and some much needed escape routes for the dead end at the pillars in the very bottom of the map.
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#22 25 Oct 2000
I must say i thought the map was excelent. the game flow and combat was very fun. i wish i could make maps but my q3radiant crashes everytime i load a texture
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The Hubster
#21 20 Oct 2000
re: re: Behemoth
Btw, it's cool that you got mad:-) I would be too if I was you and saw that post.
My apologies: I do have a tendancy to be blunt and to the point.
And no doubt, when my duel level is out, I'll cop similar flak:-)
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The Hubster
#20 20 Oct 2000
re: Behemoth
I thrash duel levels all the time. I never download any other type of level, and Promode is the centre of my existence. I live for duels.
I don't judge levels by asthetics. I never have. As some other posters here now know, I play Q3JDM8A a hell of a lot. And THAT is one ugly map. But layout is excellent, and the item balance is great.
Like I said, your level DOES have potential. Just review some of the layout and item placement, I reckon.
Remember, I didn't say your level sucks. It doesn't.
The gameplay is simply too predictable, that's all.
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#19 20 Oct 2000
Eggman: thx for the tip, i actually got it right on the top level, but somehow managed to miss it on the two most obvious places.
I got quite mad at hubster and got a bit carried away back there. Obviously the level wasn't really prepared for the highly critical look of fellow editors, but i still hold my statements for true. If i make another map i will try to get feedback from other mappers before the release. (keep in mind that this is my first map)
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#18 20 Oct 2000
This is a nice little level. It has a persistent flow to it which is good. Although it does have it's share of technical problems. Once you've used rather large bevels to create caps that accomodate the curved square cylinders, it's a good idea to delete the bevel part(not the cap)that noone will see. It just adds to r_speeds. Aside from that I would of liked to see another entrance to the area on top of the pillars. Also the Jesus seemed out of place, and the across the wall jump often propels you through the inside of the Jesus, which is kind of weird. One last thing, Behemoth, it's not particularly productive or flattering when you tell people who've taken the time to download, play, and provide you with feedback on a map, that they are in fact wrong. Any feedback is precious, if even it has but only a grain of truth to it. Plus do you really think correcting them will change their perceptions of the map when/if they play it again?
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#17 20 Oct 2000
Thx for the feedback everybody. However,I dont agree with alot of them, and i just want to explain my thoughts on the subjects that has arisen. First of all, the map is very small, but too small? i'd say that it is about the same size as tourney4, and atleast here in europe that is the most popular tourney map. (maybe 80% of all duels here is played on that map)
Secondly, the +5health orbs in the tunnel might look somewhat gimmicky at first sight, but they certainly don't have any bad impact on gameplay.
Secondly, Hubster: the map is beta tested quite alot, mostly against duel players. The 3 mins you gave the level cant possible give you any idea of the impact of the item placement in general on gameplay. Nonediting duel players also seem to have another view on item placement in general, they dont judge the item placement by some dogmatic theory, but instead comment on the effects they have on actual gameplay. The same can be said about the empty area beneath the RG, it is indeed supposed to suck to fall down, that is the sole purpose of the area.
I hope i could explain my points without being too defensive :)
Btw, i'm planning a rerelease of the level since v1.25 took away the splash damage through the grates that made the red armor somewhat risky to take. I might also remove the +5 spheres and add some ammo beneath the RG (not that the latter two things will change the gameplay in any sense, but i do everything to please people :))
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The Hubster
#16 19 Oct 2000
RE: pjw
Yes, I did vote. Pretty sure I did.
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#15 19 Oct 2000
Well, I don't know what the problem was. I copied all the pk3 files back in my baseq3 dir, and loaded it up, and there wasn't a problem any more. I have no idea what went on, but it's working now. Gave the map a 7.
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Number 6
#14 19 Oct 2000
I voted 0 bvy accident but got it fixed. Gave it an 8. I guess I like the fact that when I encounter a target, it is likely to be strong. Makes for a better fight to me.
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#13 19 Oct 2000
Hmmm. After clearing out my baseq3, the only thing that isn't showing up is the texture square right under the railgun (clangdark_ow3.tga). It is in mapmedia.pk3. All the rest seem to be in my pak0.pk3.
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#12 19 Oct 2000
Redownloading didn't do any good, maybe it's just I need the 1.25 point release. Oh well, I'll try it on my other system, see if it has any better luck.
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#11 19 Oct 2000
Strange. I moved every pk3 file out of my baseq3 dir, except the four packs, and stigmata. I still am missing the floor texture. I am still using the 1.17 point release, would that have anything to do with it?
I like this sort of a map (since most of my games are 1 on 1 on my little lan). Oh well, I'll redownload it. Maybe something got hosed the first time I was getting it.
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#10 19 Oct 2000
Hubster--did you actually enter a vote? One other vote besides mine was a zero :P
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#9 19 Oct 2000
I like small, tight levels like this. The overall look is very clean and nice, the layout and flow are pretty good for the most part (except see below), and the over/under is very good. That being said, I'm kinda with The Hubster re: item placement (even though the placement of the mega itself was cool, the extra +5s near the mega = goofy; RA was right out in the middle of everything and too easy to get IMO for such a powerful item--not sure that this level needs 2 armors; the area down in the fog beneath the RG was empty and wasted--there was never any reason to go there unless you were clumsy enough to miss a jump around the RG). Cool but flawed. If I could give it a 6.5, I would, but I'll up it to 7 for the cool ramp along the wall dealie. :-)
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#8 19 Oct 2000
GreyCloak - I saw no missing texture and I play with only the required maps plus what I'm reviewing at the time. My best guess is that another map in you baseq3 folder is conflicting with this maps pk3 :[
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Johnny Law
#7 19 Oct 2000
Mothership's downtime is explained as best I can at the Web site.
Things should be better now, I need to set up some test servers and see what happens... as soon as I get some time...
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#6 18 Oct 2000
mmm cpm johnny =p
and where the heck is mothership?
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#5 18 Oct 2000
From the brief bit I played I liked it, though, admittedly it was brief. Mainly because I didn't have the floor texture, and playing more than a few minutes, with that black and white cross hatch, would've caused my eyes to bleed.
Is the texture in another map that I'm missing, I don't know, threewave perhaps? No one else mentioned it, that's why I ask.
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Johnny Law
#4 18 Oct 2000
One saving grace for the map size in CPM is that when you're tanked on red armor, you can't pick up the yellow armor (unless you decide to sacrifice a lot of armor amount and quality). So the "sweepability" of two nearby armors isn't as much of an issue when they are different flavors.
Anyway, not a tactical map by any means. Some fun ideas here though; a few "combat spaces" that aren't like the usual thing. Might as well check it out.
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Number 6
#3 18 Oct 2000
I kinda dig this map. The placement of green health on the way to the VERY dead end mega health is just enough enticement to get me to go down there. Fast, furious, in your face fun. Pushes your control skills to the limit!
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#2 18 Oct 2000
middle rail area is inspired.. but somewhat falls short imo.. the layout also falls a little short, and even though the two armors are on the exact opposite sides of the map, you can still go from one to the other in 5 seconds ;/
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The Hubster
#1 18 Oct 2000
Sadly, this level has already left my HDD forever, only 3 minutes after I completed the download.
A shame though, that this should be the case.
Behemoth: level does have some potential. It's clearly obvious that you have the ability to make some nice brushwork (I envy people who can make nice curved staircases), but a re-release for your layout and item placement is a necessity if you want your level to get the respect you would like through your work.
Asthetically there is no problem. I quite liked the simplicity of your chosen texture set, and the ambience was nice as well.
A circular, sweeping level is a cool idea (take FFF as a great example), but you need to think harder on your weapon and item placement (eg extra health balls near the MH??? Why?).
Get your friends to beta test your level, adjust it's layout and so on, and re-release it.
I'd love to see your level get to where it could be - still sitting on my HDD:-)
A good effort, but not quite there.
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