OverWhelming Hostility
OverWhelming Hostility by Auhsan
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FREQ Rep. 32
#66   30 Nov 2022
Great Map, Great atmosphere ... from a Great Level Designer!
Perfect 10! errr 5
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#65   06 Dec 2020
Excellent map! Lots of flow, superbly connected levels, lots of great horizontal and vertical fighting. There are some clever things in the map enhancing gameplay, like the window you can see in the image. Great for attacking the yellow and MH above it (which location is great). Item balance is lovely. Location of RL cannot be better. And textures and lighting are greatly chosen too.
This is an absolute keeper. I was only going to test it but ended up playing like 10 rounds! Addictive! Good choice as a featured map Tig!
Edited 1.02 minutes after the original posting.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#64   11 Jul 2012
Did anyone mention this map is in Generations Arena?
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#63   09 Jan 2012
WOW! Its such a beautiful creation.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#62   24 Aug 2011
Got the chance to duel on this on FragLove. Very intense and in-your-face duels combined with one of the best gothic settings in Quake III. Needs to hop on the QL train.
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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#61   28 Feb 2010
The ominous atmosphere and superb detail make this arena's environment a work of art; the game play is not a disappointment. If you haven't downloaded and saved a copy of this map already, I recommend that you do so and see what you have been missing.
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CaptainWoW unregistered
#60   14 Mar 2006
Yeah time went by quickly. This map dates from quake3's "golden age". You ge the idea. And it stood out. In both looks and gameplay. It was great to see coloured lighting being used correctly. No puke green on this map :)

Nice oldie.

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ShadowZombie unregistered
#59   27 Feb 2006
I agree with you Tig. This map is still one of my all time fav's to this day. It's hard to believe that time has flown by so quick. sigh
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Tig Rep. 1732
#58   26 Feb 2006
Not at all! We still play this map in the office every week - its a top map for DM games :]
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*BestialWolf Rep. 0
#57   26 Feb 2006
Ok, so I am posting on a map that has'nt been posted on in nearly two years... Does this make me a retard? Probably.

Anyway, I gave it a 7. I love the atmosphere, i'm not much on green maps at all, but I like how he combined the green the whole green theme with the gothic theme. Most gothic themes just all seem the same with lava and red/gold lighting and atmosphere. Auhsan really came up with something unique here, I hav'nt seen anything like it, and i've downloaded well over 250 maps and looked at the screenies for all of them!

So now you are probably wondering why I gave it a seven... Well maybe i'll just be mysterious and not tell you! =P j/k Well, there is a lot of zebraing that I noticed, some of which is very obvious. This alone makes is a bit of a dissapointment. Also I did not care for the gameplay at all, there is a lot mot more vertical action than I care for (although I know this is personal preference) and the teleporter in the balcony room is very annoying.

Still, this is a very good map, and still, one of the best.

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passing by unregistered
#56   04 Apr 2004
Nice wind sound. Adds atmosphere without getting in the way.
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kerygma unregistered
#55   24 Jun 2003
Map rocks. Sits firmly in my top ten rotation. Well done. Need more like this.
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un entered unregistered
#54   25 Feb 2003
looks like it has just emerged from the sea, should damn well have stayed there.
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not entered unregistered
#53   25 Feb 2003
wow. ooh. aah. maarvelous.

who puked on the walls?

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Mr.FU unregistered
#52   18 Jan 2003
This id an oldie... but goodie...
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VanZeR** unregistered
#51   23 Dec 2002
this map is an fantastic tourney map!!

geting the MH is always fun

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xGHT unregistered
#50   10 Jun 2002
Good map with great atmosphere and gameplay, a 10 from me.
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nolimit unregistered
#49   09 Jul 2001
it's a very good map except for the fact that all you have to do is get the RL, then go through the same hallway over and over to get the 2 YA's. Makes it pretty boring after a while. I give it a 7.
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Grahf unregistered
#48   19 May 2001
A score of only 8.29?! Jeez, some people are just on crack, I guess. I'll have to give it a 10 to pull the score up a bit. And yes, it deserves it. Ohh yes it does. One of the best uses of the gothic texture set, bar none.

Plus it's green, how can you possibly go wrong with green? :)

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Shithead unregistered
#47   11 Apr 2001
Awesome map. Great flow. Can you make it into a Painkeep Arena map? That mod rocks. This map would be perfect for it.


Contact Sargeant Hulka, that mod needs a 1v1 map b4 it releases in the near future!

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Knight Cloud unregistered
#46   11 Apr 2001
Is these map at the dawN?
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darqrad unregistered
#45   15 Mar 2001
Francametne genial Auhsan, ya me gustaria que me dieses algunas clases pa hacer mapicas xD Salu2
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not entered unregistered
#44   10 Mar 2001
Tig really needs to start using cookies to help cut down on the vote spamming...
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[RiP]*baddy unregistered
#43   10 Mar 2001
a pretty cool map...i love the sickly green lighting ....

makes me want to keep running....no time to stop heheh...i want more of this type of map

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the R. unregistered
#42   07 Mar 2001
Really nice map, all the green is just beautiful. The gameplay can better but it's a really cool map.


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Charon unregistered
#41   06 Mar 2001
you to auhsan?...looks like people have been seriously exploiting the voting thing lately.....
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Auhsan unregistered
#40   02 Mar 2001
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Bastian unregistered
#39   02 Mar 2001
Fuck the fucking fuck motherfucker!!!


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ApeCommander unregistered
#38   24 Feb 2001
Yes, it´s green, but it´s damn good!
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Qu3buS unregistered
#37   08 Feb 2001
Didn't really appreciate this map until I played 1 on 1 against a friend on a LAN... We spend about 30 min stalking each other and had a blast. Lots of ledges, nooks and crannies (sp?) to torture people with!
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not entered unregistered
#36   08 Dec 2000
10. Great level. Been one of my favs since it came out.
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Sweet unregistered
#35   05 Dec 2000
bahh, I played it once and never again!

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Scampie unregistered
#34   03 Dec 2000
Dragonboy: Becuase Auhsan's other map is #1


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Dragonboy unregistered
#33   14 Nov 2000
Why isn't this #1!?
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Avatar unregistered
#32   12 Nov 2000
Great map. I like the darkness.... adds to the atmosphere. I really like it and agree with Number 6 in saying that it is as good as Coriolis Storm. Both of these maps are worth having!
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Psycotic unregistered
#31   21 Oct 2000
I don't have words for discrive this map.... hemm it's the sumus of the sumus.

Auhsan i hate you.

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nanoSpawn unregistered
#30   19 Oct 2000
Definitely a 10

A great map!!


It's green!!!!!!!!

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seth unregistered
#29   19 Oct 2000
its a 10
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r3tina unregistered
#28   18 Oct 2000
Great map. Would've given it a 10 if it wasn't so freakin' dark all over the place. And I know, I can always crank up the gamma but that's just too much work :-) A solid 9!
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Q-Fraggel unregistered
#27   18 Oct 2000
The only thing i can say is:

10 is not enough :D

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Number 6 unregistered
#26   17 Oct 2000
Sweet layout and an original spin on the whole gothic thing! I rank this right up there with "Coroilis(sp) Storm" as a keep forever map.
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Prophet unregistered
#25   17 Oct 2000
Very well done, indeed. This is a 9 for me. But please fix those Z-buffer conflicts!
One at the water pit, and one behind a flameholder.

But, really good map!

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G unregistered
#24   17 Oct 2000
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DusKer unregistered
#23   16 Oct 2000
Best quake map ive seen in months.

I agree with xfoo about the tele's. Map seems to work best for small dm.

Still a 10 though, no question

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WarMachine unregistered
#22   16 Oct 2000
i thought the game play was good a geforce 2 does help construction is good i really enjoy playing this map well done auhsan.
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pu§hy unregistered
#21   16 Oct 2000
with this comment from the review ---> Start your download now! <---

i was kinda expecting more. gameplay is ok but the 'all green' theme of the map didn't suit my taste. i like rich colored maps :) still good though!

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The Hubster unregistered
#20   16 Oct 2000
Very nicely constructed. Wish I could say the same about the gameplay.


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MENTALPATIENT unregistered
#19   15 Oct 2000
Hey what can I say?..........10 all the way! The architectural concept as a whole is brilliant, attention to detail is an example to be followed! The lighting....well im runnig out of nice words.....Ah perfection comes to mind. I mean U DA MAN dude! P.S congratulate the janitor for me ...the place is realy very clean! :) keep it up AUHSAN! U DA MAN!
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xfoo unregistered
#18   15 Oct 2000
map looks great, ledges and all sorts of shit to double jump off of.

works much better as a 3-4 person tight dm match than a tourney map. it doesnt work well as a tourney map because of the tele.. go from one ya to the other ya with a nice rl in the middle of em.

/// xfoo

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Zarathustra unregistered
#17   15 Oct 2000
Exquisite to look at. Very nice touch (in an evil dungeon sort of way ;)). The lighting and the subtle architectural choices are really sophisticated. Also I personally really like the layout. I'm becoming a bigger fan of dodging in and out of complex spaces rather than having wide open areas all the time. Maps like this seem to really make you play the map rather than do the same old things you can do in a square box.

Anyway, great effort Auhsan!

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Syclone unregistered
#16   15 Oct 2000
Very nice map.

Only complaint I have is some of the items and placement. I'd have swapped the rail with the shaft, since there are relatively few good rail type open areas or long halls. Also, there aren't enough good things up in the top levels to spread out gameplay.

Minor quibles, though. Very good map.

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Tigger-oN unregistered
#15   15 Oct 2000
I've removed a double post from WaSp - hope thats cool with everyone :]
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not entered unregistered
#14   15 Oct 2000
This is the most amazing display of architectural mapping skills I have ever seen. You set the mood and worked it to perfection. While the gameplay could have been much better, this is by far the best looking and feeling map I have ever played. With a little more grasp of what makes a good map a good map gameplay wise (go study some of the CPM maps [official releases]) you could challenge p.jaquays job at id software.
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Type 40 unregistered
#13   14 Oct 2000
What a sensational map! This is a definite keeper on my HD, along with "The Backstab". Well done Aushan - keep up the good work!
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WaSp unregistered
#12   14 Oct 2000
When I first saw this map I cried.

very few authors can capture such atmospere.

nuff said........ 10

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Auhsan unregistered
#11   14 Oct 2000
thanx for the comments.

I prefer a Hamster rather than a statula. Even better if it's still alive =).

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Kancer unregistered
#10   14 Oct 2000
One hell of a map!
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4Fuxache unregistered
#9   14 Oct 2000
Kicking ASS!!
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excessus unregistered
#8   14 Oct 2000
It´s bold, beauty, playable and has a special feeling attached to it. Well done Auhsan!! :)
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Sehlio unregistered
#7   14 Oct 2000
Great map. I had one section that got a bit slow and there is a section that has some flickeing, its on a section of wall on the right of where you come out of a teleporter in the room with the 50h and 2 sets of shells. Either way i say its a 9...
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not entered unregistered
#6   14 Oct 2000
texturing and architecture are top notch - they compliment each other quite well and thus create a very intense atmosphere. the layout of the level, though, was a touch confusing. i prefer maps that have very distinctive areas: this aids in both making the map easier to learn and also more enjoyable to play. maybe i am just slow, but i found some of the areas rather convoluted, and as a result, most of my time playing was spent running around randomly. great look and feel, just a bit too complicated for my tastes.
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Jazz unregistered
#5   14 Oct 2000
Great layout and item placement. I can't think of anything that would make this map better except getting rid of that weird texture in the water.

Also I like how this map doesn't look horrible even on my normal play settings: 680*480, lightmap off, low geometry, and r_picmip 2. Must be the green :p

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RiO unregistered
#4   14 Oct 2000
[44]ooze, as you can see from the id numbers, the two 'not entered's, are, in fact, different people.
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[44]ooze unregistered
#3   14 Oct 2000
ummm...how did you gush all over this map and you haven't downloaded it? lol
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not entered unregistered
#2   14 Oct 2000
I cannot DL it...

is that a hint?


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not entered unregistered
#1   14 Oct 2000
It's rare when a map comes along that excels at every single aspect of mapping. Not only is just the architecture stunning, the lighting sublime, or the gameplay ferocious. They all are, and the result is far greater than the sum of its parts. This map is so good I almost feel obligated to buy Auhsan some type of small present, like a spatula or maybe a hamster. Ok enough gushing, D/L this map and nag any server admins you know to get it into rotation.
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