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#26 14 Sep 2000
EVeryone go to the beta section for dynatron2..you won't believe it! ahhaha! it's awesome! Let's get some more feedback and get this baby rockin'
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Ned Man
#25 14 Sep 2000
I've posted a beta of "Dynatron 2" in the beta map section here at LvL.
"Dynatron 2" will be a beefed up version of Dynatron. With modifications to handle more players.
Ned Man
Ned's World : users.hbeark.com/~ned
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#24 14 Sep 2000
I can't wait to play this map on a public server.
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#23 14 Sep 2000
This map has a clean, chiseled look to it. I agree with some reviewers that there should perhaps have been a little more room in the common area. I also agree that the rocket launchers position only helps attackers. A defender won't have the time to run and get it. If you're going to leave the rocket where it is, I think there should be more rocket ammo in the flag room for those who rocket jump to the donut above the catwalk and camp.
When I'm in defensive mode (the whole game), I like to find a perch to protect the flag. It's just nice when I get there I have enough ammo to survive a two pronged attack.
Wicked map otherwise. Fast, intense games can be had on this map.
Excellent fit and finish. A professionally done map.
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#22 12 Sep 2000
O..M..G, Just looked over this map and HOLY SHIT. Geat job man, this is goin straight to everyone i know. You ever need testers I know lots of people willing to help test new maps, could even get some clan scrims goin for that map if someone would set up a server.
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#21 12 Sep 2000
Email me when the new version is out ..cause I'm all over it like a glove and OJ simpson :)
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#20 12 Sep 2000
The layout of the base seems fine, tho u are aware someone is able to enter from the top, strafe jump to the flag and strafe jump back out the top? This is a difficult jump, however, and frankly i think it's pretty cool. Anyway, the lack of ammo was another concern (especially we were always running out of missles even with a 2vs2).
I would suggest opening up the central area; perhaps even adding side rooms for tech (dare I say?) and/or Red Armor (one side) or MH (other side)...possibilities are interesting. For now, I don't have many ideas becaues i'm not a level designer...i just know with the last build we were always hurngry for more health and armor...which made preserving the flag in a standoff a bit difficult. I'm sure you are aware of good game mechanics, as this level was designed for 3vs3 and i think it's near perfect. My suggestions at this time are as follows:
1. For sure make the level larger....perhaps one more room between each of the bases and the central dynamo or side rooms you could go alternate routes to along side the dynamo from each base.
2. A rail for the largish central area...perhaps a void below/near the dynamo as well? think w1.
3. More missiles/armor/health around the base (not IN the base, but defensible from the base...off side, etc.)
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#19 12 Sep 2000
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Ned Man
#18 11 Sep 2000
I want you guys to know, I'm listening. :)
And I want to make
everybody happy.
From all the feedback I've received since the maps release, have been very good. Everybody says the map rocks for it's size.
However, I can see that the clan/ctf'ers would love this map even more if it could handle a few more players.
If this is so, I would be happy to modify the map (with a 2nd version) a little bit, to be able to handle more players. :)
If that sounds cool to you, Let me know.
Also, E-Mail me your suggestions, ideas
and if you'd like to help beta test "Dynatron2"
Ned Man
Ned's World : users.hbeark.com/~ned
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Johnny Law
#17 11 Sep 2000
Heh heh, comments flood. :-)
Back in Q1 there was a very popular series of 3-on-3 tourneys (Frag n' Flag), and even a big 2-on-2 tourney (Kings of Capture). So 4-on-4 isn't the only game in town.
However, even in 3-on-3s people do tend to want to play the maps that they already know from 4-on-4 competition.
I don't see this map getting much online play, but then 99.9999999999999% of custom CTF maps don't (statistical figures accurate to within +-20%). It rocks with bots, and should be fun if you can convince a few buddies to play it with you, so hey, mission accomplished.
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#16 11 Sep 2000
10. bravo ned.
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#15 11 Sep 2000
:):):):):):) very nice ctf map not too big not over done great with 3v3 very nice looking map its hard too find a good ctf map this one will be on my hard drive for a long long time well done ned man lookforward to your next map hehe :)
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#14 11 Sep 2000
d0h... sorry partnah... left me glasses at home :(
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#13 11 Sep 2000
er, pent..i never said anything about a railgun, lol. That was someone else. Need spectacles?
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#12 11 Sep 2000
ok, Ned Man, maybe ur missing the point. I take that back, it sounds like you knew what you wanted in the map and you did a successful job in it (3vs3). I guess i'm just disappionted that the map won't be played competitively due to it's construction size and other issues. I'm obviously excited about getting a cool ctf map that could be played in ogl etc. and there just isn't much out there...so i'm a bit disappointed. As the map sits tho, it is excellent for smaller games...but unless your hosting the game yourself, these won't take place anywhere of note. good job...here's hopoing for a revision!
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#11 11 Sep 2000
ok i was out of it, didnt read, ned man, you are the fucking man. dont listen to my teammate ooze (mhaha) about the railgun
i would put more ammo on both bases and perhaps a red armor instead of a yellow, just to make things more challenging on dogfights. or perhaps, 'ala ctf1, put the red armor on the dynatron, and keep yellow armor on bases.... =) I personally like 3 on 3 games better than 4 or 5 person games, because it's easier to cooperate with teammates. anyway, more ammon on both bases and red armor in middle would rock =)
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#10 11 Sep 2000
o m f g.
pure ownage. whoever built this map knows what map building its all about. great design, great flow. low in armor and weapons, which reminds me of quake 1.... very very fuckin cool for ctf in q3... its not about controling runes now, rather about taking control of rl's and using the shotgun and lightning gun wisely.... I'd love for this map to be added to xtgl/ogl/tp.net as an option. it's just plain awesome.
good job.
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#9 11 Sep 2000
ok, Ned Man, maybe ur missing the point. The feedback from all the clan/ctf'ers out there is that it does well in 3vs3, 2vs2...but why make a map geared for that? 4vs4 and 5vs5 is standard in online competitions, and all of us are hoping for a revision so this excellent map might be played in various leagues...or a future version. As is, it won't see any exposure in leagues or online because of it's small size and low armor/ammo distribuution. Expanding the central area might do this..or adding two addtional areas/etc....that's ur job. I love the level, just wish someone besides zoid and gizmo would make a custom ctf map that can see the light of competitive day. If it stays like it is..it won't stay on the hard drives of most, and certainly won't gain standing as a competitive map. sigh
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Ned Man
#8 10 Sep 2000
So far everybody's comments are what I expected. Johnny Law said it best... " arcade-style CTF games"...
I wanted to create a small simple, easy to learn, fast paced and bloody ,yet challenging map. I was shooting for a 3v3 player map. It's just on the edge of a 4v4 ppl map. I knew some people would think it was to tight for 4v4 tho. :) I really thought the RG would be a bit of an over-kill for this map.
It leans a little in the defenses side, so offence is going to need to use some good team-work to break the defense.
Of course, a little skill never hurts either. :)
All in all... I hope that everybody enjoys the map as much as I did designing it. =)
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#7 10 Sep 2000
I agree in that its a good map but it is way too small and will never get played competitively if that's your objective.
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Johnny Law
#6 10 Sep 2000
This can be a good map for arcade-style CTF games, and the bots do like it.
I disagree with the review tho about "strategic games". This is a gorgeous looking map with nice visual detail, but layout-wise it is straightforward. Two cubic 2-level flagrooms with a cubic 2-level middle area between. And the map is symmetrical left-to-right as well as longways, with basic connections between each room on both levels.
A fun and well-built map, but the emphasis seems to be on skillz (particularly flagroom fighting), not team strategies.
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#5 10 Sep 2000
great map i like it a lot. i also think there should be a rail to make gameplay more interesting. i agree with ooze in that there also should be more health and armor. i remember having flag and getting nailed and couldn't find any health. so i died! anway, great job.
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#4 10 Sep 2000
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#3 10 Sep 2000
nice map man ....i have conquered the strafe jump to flag then back From the main entrance ...Fear me, map needs a rail where the Grenade launcher is in the DYNOMAX thing in the middle but thats my opinion : ^ ]
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#2 10 Sep 2000
well, i really love this level. Unfortunately the lack of armor and limited ammo will probably kill 4vs4 games...and this map won't see the light of day if it can't play at least 4vs4. 44 and Md played this map/scrimmed and it was great fun for 2vs2...and i think 3vs3 would be good as well. The author probably needs to rework the ammo/armor situation however, if it's going to get put on public servers. Please consider this well, as we desperately need more custom maps. The map is gorgeous, plays great...just a little too little armor and ammo..and probably not a large enough mid area for 4vs4's...tho i'm still werking on tryint that out that is the consensus from many people i've talked with and played with about it.
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#1 10 Sep 2000
This level rocks! Really good for small games of 3v3 or 4v4.
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